How does Enchanter's Bane interact with Fiery Emancipation?
Asked by ArmchairRuler 3 months ago
Will Enchanter's Bane allow me to deal more damage to an opponent if I have a card like Fiery Emancipation on the battlefield and I target their Doubling Season? With this interaction would I be able to have the opponent take 15 damage rather than 5 damage? The wording makes it seem like the Doubling Season would be the source of the damage so it seems like a long shot, but I am unsure of how the source of the damage is treated in this.
wallisface says... Accepted answer #1
Enchanter's Bane has the enchantment dealing the damage. Because Fiery Emancipation only triples damage from your own sources, only your own enchantments will deal triple damage to you, if for some reason you’re targeting your own stuff with Enchanter's Bane
December 16, 2024 2:45 a.m.