How do Lich's Mastery and Phyrexian Unlife interact?
Asked by seshiro_of_the_orochi 6 years ago
I just thought about cards to add to my Lich's Mastery deck and came across Phyrexian Unlife.
So, do I properly understand the interaction?
Mastery would make you exile cards whenever you lose life. Phyrexian unlife replaces damage with poison counters once you hit zero life, you won't have to exile cards when something deals damage to you as it won't lead to you losing life. And thanks to mastery, you won't lose due to poison counters. Correct?
Keep in mind if you start gaining life (to draw cards) your life total will likely rise back above 0.
September 10, 2018 11:24 a.m.
alexandermaclennan says... #3
I just read Rulings for Phyrexian Unlife and it says ifs you take damage while you have life to below Zero like, 3 life takes 5 damage, -2 life. lichs says exile 2 cards then it replaces the damage with poison after the fact. Then you gain poison counters. I would assume you cant loose life when Unlife is on the board preventing exile effects of Lichs. Its certainly interesting.
June 6, 2019 1:19 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #4
If you are at 3 life with both cards out and take 5 damage, you would exile 5 things and go to -2 life. After that you would gain poison counters instead of losing life. You would therefore not have to sacrifice any permanents.
June 6, 2019 2:33 p.m.
ZBrannigan says... #5
Just want to point out that Phyrexian Unlife only prevents damage, not losing life, so if your opponent has a card that says "target player loses 60 life" you probably still lose the game (because you still lose the life, have to exile all your cards including lich's mastery, and then lose because you have no life)
Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #1
Yes, Lich's Mastery will stop you from losing the game to poison counters and Phyrexian Unlife will stop you from losing life because of dwma once you are at 0 or less life.
September 10, 2018 5:49 a.m.