Does Turn to Frog negate Legendary super-type?
Asked by Bezter 7 years ago
Do cards like Turn to Frog or Polymorphist's Jest, when played on a legendary creature such as Nekusar, the Mindrazer, negate the Legendary Creature super-type?
Or would the card then read "Legendary Creature - Frog"?
Asking for cards like Djinn of Infinite Deceits.
acbooster says... Accepted answer #1
Remember to check gatherer before asking a question, there's a good chance that it's answered there. This is from Turn to Frog's page:
7/18/2014 The creature will lose all other colors and creature types, but it will retain any other card types (such as artifact) or supertypes (such as legendary) it may have.
December 2, 2017 11:28 a.m.