Can I have Rattleclaw Mystic in a Mayael the Anima EDH
Asked by griffcake745 9 years ago
I was under the impression that I could use Rattleclaw Mystic but if I tried to make a U mana, it would turn colorless because Mayael the Anima is G/R/W. Now someone is telling me I can't even play it. Also, can i play a card that can use either U OR G mana to play? I'm new to edh so I don't really know the rules but I thought this was reasonable.
Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #1
You can't play it.
A card's color identity is the sum of all colored mana symbols in its mana cost and text box (except in reminder text) as well as any color indicators and characteristic-defining abilities.
Rattleclaw Mystic's color identity is . It can't be played in a deck that doesn't include all of those colors.
And remember that hybrid mana symbols are both of their colors, so Biomantic Mastery (for example) cannot be played in a deck that is not both blue and green.
April 5, 2015 7:57 p.m.