Can Aethersnipe ignore evoke downside with panharmonicon?
Asked by Sledjer 5 years ago
So, AEthersnipe , by itself, is a pretty meh card. The evoce cost is still pretty expensive, and it effectively turns it into a sorcery. With Panharmonicon , however, it becomes decent, since the etb fires twice. My question is this: Is it valid to evoke AEthersnipe and have the second firing of the etb target itself, returning it to your hand before it is sacrificed due to the evoke?
More specifically, Evoke actually involves a trigger separate from the AEthersnipe 's printed ETB ability. With Panharmonicon on the battlefield, the AEthersnipe entering the battlefield will create three triggers you control to put on the stack: two bounce triggers ('Snipe and Panharmonicon copy), and one "sacrifice 'Snipe" trigger. You can order these in any way you want, but as long as one of the bounce triggers resolves before the sacrifice trigger and you target the 'Snipe with that bounce trigger, it will return to your hand and avoid being sacrificed.
Because the sacrifice is a trigger, this means you can pull a lot of shenanigans with Evoke creatures by responding to their sacrifice triggers.
January 16, 2020 4:39 p.m.
(Bit late to edit)
This means that you can actually target the AEthersnipe with its own ETB ability as long as that resolves before the Evoke sacrifice trigger. I'm not sure what benefit there would be to doing so, but it is possible without Panharmonicon (though having Panharmonicon means you're bouncing something else too, for value).
Raging_Squiggle says... Accepted answer #1
Sure that’s something you could do easily. Just stack the triggers in such a way that the bounce one targeting itself will resolve before the evoke trigger. Then when the evoke resolves, nothing happens since the creature is no longer in play
January 16, 2020 3:43 p.m.