Bloodghast and Cryptic Command
Asked by IzzetGod 6 years ago
If I say "Declare Attacks" and my opponent halts me in my beginning of combat step, and casts Cryptic Command and chooses to tap my creatures as one of the modes. Can I then stay in my beginning of combat step and crack a fetchland to bring back a Bloodghast with Haste? (Opponent is below 10 life)
freshdemon says... Accepted answer #2
Short anwer is yes you can.
It is about priority. You've indicated to end the beginning of combat step. For the step to end priority must pass among players. If your opponent decides to use that to cast CC You will get priority after it resolving again as you are the active player. You need to pass it to your opponent in order to end the beginning of combat step once again, but can also decide to use an ability of a fetch.
Neotrup says... #1
Yes. Once Cryptic Command resolves you get priority again and can activate abilities.
July 12, 2018 3:43 p.m.