Banishing light and miscutter hydra and auras
Asked by Onyxio 10 years ago
What happens if Banishing Light is destroyed and a Mistcutter Hydra that was exiled re-enters the battlefield? Can its user retap mana to give it counters again? Also what happens to a Market Festival that was exiled, does it get put back on the same land it was exiled from or no?
Thanks for any help!
Epochalyptik says... #2
@Boza: Note that spells exist only on the stack. They are cards (assuming they aren't copies) in all other zones.
Boza says... Accepted answer #1
For the hydra, you can only pay the mana as part of its casting cost. The value for X on any spell in all zones other the stack is 0. The hydra will enter as a 0/0 and will die the next time state-based actions are checked.
For the market festival, upon reentry into the battlefield (banishing light really evokes the "rocket into space" feeling), you get choose a legal permanent (in this case a land) and just put it on it. Note that this does not target - auras target only when cast.
June 13, 2014 4:03 a.m.