Tazri: Allied Assault

Commander / EDH FelixCarter


Update: UMA —Nov. 22, 2018

UMA cards added. Full deck play description updated.

Zeromonarch says... #1

I don't understand why no one ever suggests Soul Foundry for ally decks. Just exile a Jwari Shapeshifter under it and have Bala Ged Thief on the field, then during opponents draw step tap the foundry for 2 mana and make a copy of any ally and discard their draw at instant speed. Most annoying lock down ever complete XD

October 18, 2017 6:42 a.m.

FelixCarter says... #2


That's actually a really great suggestion. I would say it'll always be a tough choice between Mimic Vat and Soul Foundry from now on. Mimic Vat does great if the creature you want to try and keep around if already on the battlefield. But Soul Foundry is just as beast.

I think it comes down to a choice between preventative token creation or reactive token creation. :) Thanks again for the suggestion. I added it to the Sideboard and edited the description to reflect the choice.

October 20, 2017 5:02 p.m.

Elmoisamac says... #3

Great list and write-up! I just a similar allies deck and I am always looking for ways to improve it! Have you considered adding Conjurer's Closet? I put it in and it creates a lot of value if it goes unanswered. Thanks for the ideas. +1

October 24, 2017 11:55 a.m.

Elmoisamac says... #4

Whoops I noticed it is in the sideboard.

October 24, 2017 12:15 p.m.