U/B Faeries

Modern BlackShadowWolf


Slight change —Dec. 21, 2017

-3 Serum Visions

-1 Tectonic Edge

+1 Pendelhaven

+1 Mistbind Clique

+1 Go for the Throat

+1 Secluded Glen

In recent weeks, Serum has proven itself to be a bit too slow for what I want to do. As a tempo player, I want to be doing as much outside my turn as possible. Serum being sorcery speed forces me to commit mana to a card that has to be good. In the control variants, it's better. But for tempo, Opt is probably better.

With less cantrips, I've returned a land to the mainboard, bringing in Secluded Glen because I wanted another coloured source, but also because, more often than not, it's probably gonna come in untapped. In addition, Tectonic Edge is leaving, with Pendelhaven taking it's place. Tec Edge is, again, better in the control variants, because of the mana I have to sink into it, as well as the condition of my opponent requiring 4 or more lands. Pendelhaven is basically a colourless land in the list, but it's gonna give my Faeries a little extra durability, so I'm willing to make the trade off and see what comes of it. Also, Pendelhaven producing Green mana means I can now set my Engineered Explosives on 3, which is often where I wanna set it against a grindy midrange deck.

Mistbind Clique is coming in to aid the tempo plan, and to give me an out to Bitterblossom. Too often, I've found myself at the mercy of Bitterblossom triggers, with games lost because the game has either run too long, or my opponent has put me in range of Bitterblossom death.

Go for the Throat is returning to the list for two reasons; I'm finding myself struggling to find removal at the best of times, and Fatal Push is too conditional to tackle Eldrazi, Tasigur and Gurmag. It gets sided right out against Affinity, but it's pretty good in every other matchup.

Snap157 says... #1

Why are you playing The Scarab God? Seems like Esper would be stronger due to Path to Exile

October 5, 2017 8:44 a.m.

arcdevil says... #2

The Scarab God? lol, it gets jammed into everything this days, fits or not...and god knows faeries is not a deck for TSG

October 10, 2017 4:11 a.m.

Snap157, arcdevil, I'm looking to test The Scarab God because I'm hoping it will fit into the tempo plan. The idea was that a 4/4 Snapcaster/Spellstutter sounds like good value, as well as being able to turn my opponent's Finks, and stuff like it, against them.

October 10, 2017 10:51 p.m.

veeonix says... #4

Scarab God definitely doesn't fit into "Tempo". It costs tons of turns (and mana) to cast, and activate. It is a top end for Midrange or Control.

October 31, 2017 1:39 a.m.