Kamahl, Fist of Krosa EDH

Commander / EDH Cariddis

SCORE: 89 | 119 COMMENTS | 21203 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS

GRN Changes —Oct. 11, 2018

Good day everyone! As I already anticipated in one of the latest comments, GRN came along with a new addition to the deck!



Beast Whisperer is an absolute bomb: it's an elf, it costs only 4 mana and it is a draw engine. I wish its trigger would be on ETB instead of on the casting, but I can't really complain, can I? After long consideration, I decided to cut Soul of the Harvest from the 99s to give space for the whisperer. The main reasons are:

  • Their effect is similar.

  • I had too many 6 drops.

  • It was the least best card I could possibily think of among the viable choice.

Everyone keep in mind that, since we already removed all the suboptimal choices, we are in the stage where every cards I'm going to take out is an absolute bomb. Therefore, every choice will be further and further difficult, as new cards will need more and more testing in order to decide if they're worthy of Kamahl.

That's all for now, see you when new cards will be printed ;) Until then, may the might of Krosa be with you!

Tarzunga says... #1

Really nice deck you got here my friend. I have a similar story with my Talrand, Father of Drakes deck. He was also my first legendary and when the time to build a commander deck came he was also my choice. It's great to see people picking a legendary they like and pick them for their first commander, specially when the deck turns out great like yours! Well done. :)

August 28, 2018 6:50 p.m.

Cariddis says... #2

Wintermoon thank you, I'm glad that other people share my philosophy regarding choosing their commander :)

August 29, 2018 12:17 p.m.

Any opinions on Beast Whisperer from GRN?

September 30, 2018 8:16 a.m.

Cariddis says... #4

Austin_Smith_of_Cards that card is a bomb and as soon as I get to play more games I'll likely put it in the 99s. The problem is always the same: which card shall I take out? The most obvious choice is Soul of the Harvest as it does basically the same thing (even though I think etb triggers are better than casting ones for this deck) and I have way too many 6 drops. The other possible choice is Regal Behemoth, another 6 drop that risks giving your opponent monarch. However, its mana boost is extremely valuable so I will rather take out the former upon the latter

September 30, 2018 2:34 p.m.