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skeletonkey8 on
Toxic Relationship: Hapatra EDH [PRIMER]
4 years ago
Another question, you mention Chains of Mephistopheles a bit, but isn't this card bad here (well not bad but just not optimal) because your Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons + Yawgmoth, Thran Physician would be worse. With it out, your now paying 1 life, sacing 1 creature and discarding, for draw 1, put a -1/-1 counter and get a snake. Now doing that 20 times, which is really pay 20 and discard 20, to draw 20, rather than just pay 20 to draw 20.
So in my play group we dont care about proxies if they are nice proxies and we try not to play stuff that is clearly busted. This card doesnt seem busted, just strong. So im questioning its use. Im essentially trying to make a version for your deck that is as powerful as it can be without feeling like full on stax, as i dont find killing all my stuff fun(just everyone elses) or taxing all my stuff just so others are taxed too.
That all said i do see the synergy with your recursion spells.
I hope me asking you all these questions about higher power cards here is ok? i can ask my questions elsewhere though and just focus on new cards here if you would prefer?