Socketed Sprocketer

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Format Legality
Archenemy Legal
Casual Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Limited Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Unformat Legal
Vanguard Legal

Socketed Sprocketer

Artifact Creature — Cyborg Knight

Uninstall all results from Socketed Sprocketer, then roll a six-sided die. Install the result on Socketed Sprocketer. (Put the die on this card.)

You may uninstall a result from Socketed Sprocketer to use it for a die you rolled.

Uninstall a 6 from Socketed Sprocketer: Draw a card.

Femme_Fatale on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

6 years ago

rco all split cards have that cmc issue, and can't be fixed until all the single submissions of each side of them get removed. Socketed Sprocketer is fixed.

rco on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

6 years ago

Two issues with Un-cards.

Socketed Sprocketer is sorted as an Artifact, rather than a Creature.

Who / What / When / Where / Why is sorted as a 21-drop, rather than as a 13-drop.

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