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Niko9 on Is Westley the Biggest Flavor …

1 week ago

Very late to the party here, but I just saw the Princess Bride version of Fynn, the Fangbearer pop up, and seriously, what is this business?

I get that the idea is the battle of wits part of the story, but Westley fought multiple people at multiple points and they all survived. Even his mortal enemy walked away in the end. So I ask...

Who is he deathtouching?

Why is he poisoning a planeswalker who is tapping mana in an extradimensional space?

Why is he green?

Just not a pirate?

Or a peasant?

Is he constantly convincing an opponent to drink poisoned wine over and over?

Couldn't they just have tried to make a new card here?

I think the art on this set of cards is amazing, and it's both one of my favorite movies and books, but the design of this is actually awful.

The only explanation I can think of is that whoever decided what card to use the effects of just youtubed "Westley Princess Bride" and saw a 2 min clip and was like, oh great! Poison is the main part of this character...Westley must use poison all the time...right?