Sacrificing a creature to one ability and its own

Asked by DemMeowsephs 2 years ago

Greetings everyone,

I'm aware that I can't sacrifice one creature to multiple separate abilities, but I was a bit confused about whether I can chose a creature to sacrifice from one ability, and then before that resolves sacrifice that very creature with a sacrifice ability IT has- kind of complicated so let me give an example.

If I have Yahenni, Undying Partisan, and Basal Sliver, can I for example, target Basal Sliver with Yaheeni's sac ability, and then also sacrifice Basal sliver with its own ability, giving me both outcomes? I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but just wanted to make sure. Thanks!

legendofa says... Accepted answer #1

You're right in thinking the answer is no. It's the same situation as in your first sentence; you can't sacrifice a creature to two abilities (or pay any other cost for more than one effect), regardless of one of those abilities is its own.

August 20, 2021 7:08 p.m.

DemMeowsephs says... #2

Ah okay! Thank you legendofa!

August 20, 2021 7:09 p.m.

Polaris says... #3

The reason behind this is that the sacrifice isn't part of the resolution of these abilities. If the sacrifice were for the effect of something else (say your opponent cast Tribute to Hunger and Basal Sliver was your only creature) you can certainly sac your Sliver out from under the spell with its own ability. When the sacrifice is a cost, though, it happens when you pay costs, while you're putting the spell or ability in the stack. By the time you or any other player can respond, the costs are already paid and the sacrificed creature is in the graveyard.

This also means that the opponent can't respond to you activating Basal Sliver's ability by killing it (with say Shock). No player can interrupt you paying a cost once you start casting/activating the spell/ability.

August 20, 2021 8:49 p.m.

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