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markbeloit on Card creation challenge

3 days ago

TypicalTimmy I thought the same way, but fateseal actually has to be used against an opponent, where the JTMS ability you can use on yourself too.

chaosshadow589 on Any recommendations on where to …

3 days ago

Mpc proxy is like identical to mtg paper stock and there are tons of images already uploaded. Additionally you can upload your own and format them. I've ordered hundreds of cards some even foil and they are nearly indistinguishable from the real thing minus they won't allow you to use the mtg logo on the back.

markbeloit on Card creation challenge

3 days ago

Trapper Vines

Creature - Plant


Creatures with flying enter the battlefield tapped and don't untap during their controller's untap step.



doc_frank_18 on Pepples and boulders

3 days ago

Makeshift Munitions OUT ----- Return of the Wildspeaker IN? You're gonna need some card draw. Walking Bulwark OUT ----- City of Death IN? Tiller Engine OUT ----- Svella, Ice Shaper IN? Rimrock Knight OUT ---- Jaheira, Friend of the Forest IN? Rock Slide OUT ----- Rishkar's Expertise IN?

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Card creation challenge

3 days ago

Underworld Imposter

Creature - Imp Coward

As long as ~ is in any zone but the battlefield, its power is treated as though it was 13.




FormOverFunction on Blue tribe/typal commander deck

3 days ago

I agree with DarkKiridon; I would go with ocean beasties. My Briny Deep deck has some instants and sorceries and enchantments, but it’s mostly serpents, sponges, whales, and eels. Super fun, and extremely flexible on cost!

mirror_to70 on Sythis enchanting all

3 days ago

Hey fluffyeel and thanks for your detailed comment!

Argothian Enchantress: Yeah, i thought about to put it in. Shroud is a very nice keyword. Only negative side, that it could not be a target from my own aura. But this constellation is probably rare...

The "protective" enchantments like for example Greater Auramancy: Hmm, maybe i put one ore two in...

The Earthcraft/Squirrel Nest combo: I know this one. But ask me why, i don´t like it. (Didn´t play it in my squirrel EDH-deck either).

Another tutor: Yes, good idea!

Eternal Witness: Only card to get things back is Hall of Heliod's Generosity (and here only enchantments..). Eternal Witness (or Regrowth) could get back a fetch land or anything else. Worth the consideration!

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

3 days ago

Changed his name;

Goldfang, Voracious Conscriptor

Honestly I am not a big fan of this AI artwork, but I love how he's got Orzhova armor and is before a citadel so I'll take it.

Coward_Token on A Taste of the Divine

3 days ago

Kamber, the Plunderer, works for enemy creature tokens too

Battle Angels of Tyr myriad tokens can be sacced after they've dealt damage but before they're exiled

Coward_Token on Modern Horizons 3

3 days ago

At 6 mana, I don't really understand why Angelic Aberration needs a rider.

Heljxmf on Break Your Body

3 days ago

Westvale Abbey's color identity is black so you can't use it legally in this deck because your commander is red/green rules 903.4, 903.4c, 204.1c, 204.2c

StopShot on Any recommendations on where to …

4 days ago

I want to change the artwork and flavor text of a card I use at my playgroup. I got the custom art and have made a digital copy of the card with the art I want using MTGCardSmith.

Any recommendations who I can commission to make a decent physical copy of the card I've recreated?

Vessiliana on What is a Man? (a …

4 days ago

YamishiTheWickedOne, yes, if you have not been using the altar enough to justify it, definitely cut that. I do not run it in my list any longer.

jsgoblin on Archelos the World Turtle *Primer*

4 days ago

"do you use your land ramp to get "forests" like basic forest or breeding pool i presume? other than that its all coming in untapped and arch might even come out a turn late!"

sorry, i meant "other than that its all coming in tapped". im sure you knew what i meant.

jsgoblin on Archelos the World Turtle *Primer*

4 days ago

Hello, I'm a newer archelos player and was wondering if you could give any advice since it seems like you have alot more experience and success with the turtle. it also looks like you still reasonably keep this deck list up to date. I put together a really similar deck to yours it landed on similar conclusions on card choice, but having issues with the early/mid game, essentially leading up to getting your wincon assembled and can start rolling the landfall. My playgroup like yours is pretty proactive and I can start to get beat up pretty quickly.

i feel pretty slow, most of the land comes into play tapped before arch is out, so he comes out slowly, and when I do i feel pretty stagnant but i feel like i have about as much draw effects as you do here. I don't usually find myself with tons of lands in my hand to make use of all these extra land drop card (i even have exploration and burgeoning but -- btw did you decide not to run these?) and just doing my draw per turn. Am i missing something? what things do you find yourself doing to get things moving? before archelos, do you use your land ramp to get "forests" like basic forest or breeding pool i presume? other than that its all coming in untapped and arch might even come out a turn late!

for goad, or ppl just wanting to get attack triggers off, im usually the best target an susceptible to just having beaters coming to me. is this not the case for you? do you rely on your spot removals for this and just hang on until you can assemble your landfall wincons? a good portion of this deck are creatures that arent meant for fighting, if im blocking to stay alive im losing things that tap archelos or can tap to bring lands into play, etc, and often my playgroup has more combat focused board state.

your primer helps alot especially because are card choices are really similar but even with similar cards i just feel like im piloting it wrong or lacking experience. at the moment my archelos feels really underwhelming. i was thrilled to find this decklist because you have the same balance im looking for where you more focus on your things coming into play untapped but still want to tap arch to slow down opponents while not leaning to heavily into that -- so id love to tap into your knowledge/experience a bit if you dont mind, thanks.

Chino90 on Gitrog, Ravenous ride and MDFC

4 days ago

Can I use The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride's saddle ability resolution to put MDFC (such as Disciple of Freyalise  Flip as lands onto the battlefield?

Lord_of_Lords on List of Bugs and Feature …

4 days ago

I think Waterlogged Teachings  Flip is a bit messed up with the mana it produces in the pie chart.

OnyxJade on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

4 days ago

It seems there is both "Breath your last" and "Breathe your last" in the system.

Cozmosmash33 on #2 Jack Atlas: 5-0

4 days ago

MAIN STRATEGY: Use ramp and spells to flood the field with powerful Eldrazi.

SUB STRATEGY: Control the field with board wipes and abilities.

myome on Oloro Big Creature

4 days ago

y 

ALostWanderer on Welcome to the Circus

4 days ago

Im looking for cards that wouldnt make this deck better but just more chaotic for everyone (ex. scrambleverse)

Cicadas on Nice & Casual [AIA]

4 days ago

AI was dumb, made it 108 cards; fixed it.

Cicadas on Nice & Casual [AIA]

4 days ago

Updated deck from AI: To refine the deck and clearly outline win conditions, we will include the necessary cards for synergy and power, and ensure we have a clear win condition. We will also ensure the deck remains at 100 cards, including the commander. Updated Deck List with Additions and Removals

Commander (1) 1x Meren of Clan Nel Toth

Creatures (35) 1x Birds of Paradise 1x Bone Shredder 1x Craterhoof Behemoth 1x Elves of Deep Shadow 1x Elvish Mystic 1x Eternal Witness 1x Fauna Shaman 1x Fyndhorn Elves 1x Golgari Grave-Troll 1x Gray Merchant of Asphodel 1x Grim Haruspex 1x Hermit Druid 1x Llanowar Elves 1x Mikaeus, the Unhallowed 1x Puppeteer Clique 1x Sakura-Tribe Elder 1x Satyr Wayfinder 1x Stitcher's Supplier 1x Underrealm Lich 1x Wood Elves 1x Woodfall Primus 1x Yargle and Multani 1x Ravenous Chupacabra 1x Shriekmaw 1x Carrion Feeder 1x Viscera Seer 1x Reclamation Sage 1x Blood Artist 1x Zulaport Cutthroat 1x Scavenging Ooze 1x Eternal Scourge 1x Vulturous Zombie 1x Corpse Augur 1x Plaguecrafter

Instants (14) 1x Abrupt Decay 1x Assassin's Trophy 1x Beast Within 1x Go for the Throat 1x Heroic Intervention 1x Putrefy 1x Snuff Out 1x Veil of Summer 1x Worldly Tutor 1x Diabolic Intent 1x Grim Tutor 1x Demonic Tutor 1x Grisly Salvage 1x Victimize

Sorceries (13) 1x Buried Alive 1x Cultivate 1x Damnation 1x Dance of the Dead 1x Diabolic Tutor 1x Finale of Devastation 1x Jarad's Orders 1x Kodama's Reach 1x Mulch 1x Rampant Growth 1x Reanimate 1x Seasons Past 1x Toxic Deluge

Artifacts (7) 1x Animate Dead 1x Lightning Greaves 1x Skullclamp 1x Swiftfoot Boots 1x Altar of Dementia 1x Ashnod's Altar 1x Phyrexian Altar

Enchantments (6) 1x Greater Good 1x Phyrexian Arena 1x Necromancy 1x Survival of the Fittest 1x Dance of the Dead 1x Animate Dead

Lands (25) 1x Bojuka Bog 1x Command Tower 1x Grim Backwoods 1x High Market 1x Overgrown Tomb 1x Phyrexian Tower 1x Reliquary Tower 1x Strip Mine 1x Tainted Wood 1x Twilight Mire 1x Wasteland 1x Woodland Cemetery 10x Forest 11x Swamp Clear Win Conditions

Combo Win:
    Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Puppeteer Clique/Walking Ballista + Sac Outlet: Infinite damage/life drain with a sac outlet like Altar of Dementia, Carrion Feeder, or Viscera Seer.
    Gray Merchant of Asphodel: Repeatedly reanimating Gray Merchant with Meren or other recursion effects to drain opponents' life totals.

Craterhoof Behemoth:
    Use cards like Finale of Devastation or Green Sun's Zenith to tutor Craterhoof Behemoth, then swing for massive damage with a board full of creatures.

Resource Denial and Grind:
    Use removal spells like Abrupt Decay, Assassin's Trophy, and Putrefy to keep opponents' boards clear while you accrue value through Meren’s ability.
    Utilize graveyard recursion to repeatedly bring back creatures like Ravenous Chupacabra and Shriekmaw for repeated removal, or Eternal Witness and Skullclamp for card draw and value.

Cards Removed to Make Room for Key Additions

    2x Swamp
    Bone Shredder (already included in creatures)
    Damnation (kept Damnation for board wipe but only needed one)
    Diabolic Tutor (already have Diabolic Intent, Grim Tutor, and Demonic Tutor)
    Putrefy (have enough removal with Beast Within, Assassin's Trophy, etc.)
    Seasons Past (replaced with more direct recursion like Animate Dead and Necromancy)
    Snuff Out (replaced with more efficient removal like Go for the Throat)
    Underrealm Lich (removed for more impactful cards)

    Altar of Dementia
    Ashnod's Altar
    Phyrexian Altar
    Walking Ballista
    Blood Artist
    Zulaport Cutthroat
    Reclamation Sage
    Scavenging Ooze
    Eternal Scourge
    Vulturous Zombie
    Corpse Augur

This should make the deck faster, more consistent, and more powerful while maintaining its theme and goals.

Veethevvitch on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

4 days ago

ShadowMasterNL Thank you for your comment, but I have more questions if you don't mind.

Do you always run 33 to 35 lands on top of all the rituals like : Dark Ritual+ Culling the Weak, dorks like: Crypt Ghast and rocks for extra mana ?

Because I was aiming to add more for fast mana in this case considering my avg cmc is around 2.84 so I wanted to play as much as possible as fast as possible to gain the edge and get ahead of the curve.

Should I consider removing some rocks and add more lands ? Or do you have any suggestions for cuts ?

I am a bit stuck at the moment with what to remove and still keep the deck balanced, asking for a friend lmao. XD

doc_frank_18 on Pepples and boulders

4 days ago

Take out Blaze and put in Hell to Pay Take out Rockshard Elemental and put in Second Harvest Take out Rockslide Elemental and put in Goblin Anarchomancer Take out Rockslide Ambush and put in Beast Within

DarkKiridon on Blue tribe/typal commander deck

4 days ago

Not sure how complicated you want to go or if you're open for two colors like blue and green (Simic) I always thought sea creatures like leviathans and krakens are kind of fun with a bunch of ramp spells. Especially with Whelming Wave. If it's an EDH deck I would recommend Kenessos, Priest of Thassa as the commander. If it's just a basic mono blue deck then Merfolk is your best option. :)

kamarupa on Clerical Air

4 days ago

Many thanks for the +1, Noire_Samhain!

KarmicJustice on Double Mana Bonanza

4 days ago

Just brilliant. My kinda deck.

Necramus on Faerie Enchanting (Alela)

4 days ago

bloodredChili thanks so much!! It's been a blast to pilot!

magwaaf on Koma, Cosmos Serpent - Risen …

4 days ago

wish we could play


everyone hates my koma deck! its so mean

remember, Koma is a huge cun that looks like a giant coc so play her like one.

also add in opposition

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Blue tribe/typal commander deck

4 days ago

Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign is another possibility. Being blue gives great value and interaction pieces, and the commander itself gives some decent ramp. Sphinxes are a powerful tribe full of versatility and minigames.

gwredbe on Adjective Noun

4 days ago

Temperamental oozewag

U - something

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

4 days ago

markbeloit your first ability actually has a name :) it's called Fateseal n

ShadowMasterNL on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

4 days ago

Never run less than 35 lands, lowest ive gone is 33 if my commander is cheap and/or makes mana

plakjekaas on Bounce creature with benefits

4 days ago

Karn's Temporal Sundering has a pretty nifty upside

BakingIsPunk13 on A Taste of the Divine

4 days ago

Idoneity Thank you so much!! Ripped the title from the lyrics of “The Summoning” by Sleep Token seemed very fitting lol

Excellent suggestions I’ll definitely consider them

DarkKiridon on The Curious Case of the …

4 days ago

I believe the SOI printing of Tamiyo's Journal (Entry 434) is less than $1. Apparently the different flavor texts are at different prices lol.

Clues For Morska if you want some ideas. Mine is more about benefiting from drawing cards and trying to protect Morska. My pod hates her for some reason. I mean she's cool but she's not that great haha.

YamishiTheWickedOne on What is a Man? (a …

4 days ago

I know Phyrexian Altar is standard but I've been thinking of cutting that for CN. I do kinda want to lower my curve where possible.

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

4 days ago

Flare of Denial is looking really good yall. I am gonna think about a sub for this. Maybe take out An Offer You Can't Refuse

Shrieking Drake Getting a foil print, WOOT

markbeloit on Card creation challenge

4 days ago

Jelly Bee, Conniver

Legendary Creature - Mutant Advisor

,: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card on the bottom of their library.

Whenever a card is put on the bottom of an opponent's library, scry 1.

Whenever one or more cards are put on the bottom of your library, draw a card.


Maybe not in the spirit of the challenge, so redo or wild.

fluffyeel on Urza Lord High Combomaster

4 days ago

Some small thoughts for fun things and stuff:

fluffyeel on Death and Taxes

4 days ago

Apart from a spate of tutors of varying price points (Vampiric Tutor, Mystical Tutor, Demonic Tutor, Entomb, etc.), here are some thoughts of varying degrees of evilness/making sure your opponents "love" you forever:

TheSurgeon on Bruvac's Millibuster

4 days ago

fluffyeel I appreciate all of your feedback!

Commandeer and Misdirection both fit the (rather unintentional) "free" theme I have in the deck, but exiling two blue cards in my deck seems a bit steep for my play style. I would simply use something like Redirect, or counter it altogether.

Teferi's Tutelage was in here, but i felt i was concentrating too much on the draw/mill mechanic, not to mention it's another 3 drop (I'm wierd about mana costs) that, as you stated, does less than its Sphinxy big brother. And Puzzlebox just doesn't feel like it has the impact it should for a 4 drop.

Capsize's cost and buyback is too expensive; especially with all of the other 1-2 cost bounces available; and Sunder would only hurt me as well.

Mystical Tutor will find a home in here. Of course I need more ways to find combo pieces! Not sure why I never picked this one up.. I guess I assumed it was beyond my budget without ever checking. LOL

I was't aware that Clever Impersonator existed. The versatility makes the extra cost almost bearable to my mana-frugal brain. This will need further study.

I only have one Oboro, Palace in the Clouds and it's in my Modern deck. I may have to pick this and Boseiju next pay.

Academy Ruins is awesome! I believe I never picked it up because it was expensive; and when I got the means to get it, forgot all about it. Buried Ruin was one I had, and didn't cost anything to activate at the time. Thanks for reminding me!!

Memory Jar's a bit expensive for my taste. I don't have a lot of luck with wheel-ish effects, as the cards I need to further my goals are often in the hand I'm discarding/phasing leaving me in a logistical pickle that robs me of the win, and where words cannot express my frustration.

Overall, I think you've helped quite a bit! A bit more visceral than "yOu nEeD gRaVeYaRd hate" that I always get!!


Gusmethen on Izzet Dragons

4 days ago

Great deck and looks like you put a lot of effort building It, I really like the inclusion of Cemetery Illuminator, It's very unique and I've never really seen It anywhere else. Only things I'd change is make room for some mystical disputes on the side and maybe play a fourth Dracosaur instead of a third Iymrith who is Legendary and has protection.