I've been collecting since Ice Age but didn't really start playing until around Tempest. I stopped playing for a long time shortly after Mercadian Masques block and sold my entire collection, including all of my sweet Urza's Block stuff like a playset of Gaea's Cradle. I started playing again when the first Duels of the Planeswalker's game hit XBox. My now teenage kids thought it was cool, so we bought some precon decks and started playing tabletop.

Thirsting to play some competition and get into some Standard at an FNM, I read MTG columnist Jacob Van Lunen's Building on Budget article and built his Fresh Meat combo deck. In my first FNM in over a decade I went 4-0, beating 2 Caw Blade decks on my way to ultimate victory and I've been playing ever since...

I'm a Johnnie at heart and my goal is usually to come up with a unique and/or crazy combo to win Standard match-ups at FNM. I call it the "You Won With What?!" moment. I once had my Biovisionary combo deck featured in Gavin Verhey's ReConstructed article on Wizards of the Coast's MTG site. (the article was titled: How to Attack for 4,194,302 Damage) I love playing in any format but I particularly enjoy casual multi player and EDH.

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MTG Decks

U/R Rabble Robots

Standard* SolidOak


Rafiq, Bant Controler

Commander / EDH SolidOak

SCORE: 1 | 283 VIEWS

Modern Black Devotion

Modern SolidOak

SCORE: 1 | 239 VIEWS

Finished Decks 12
Prototype Decks 8
Drafts 0
Playing since Ice Age
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 5.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Commander / EDH, Casual
Cards suggested / good suggestions 2 / 2
Joined 10 years