Card images

TappedOut forum

Posted on Aug. 7, 2013, 12:08 a.m. by Cyber Locc

Why are some card images not working I tried to upload a new photo tried jpg and png croped the borders and all and there was already and image prior still not working the card i just tried was Progenitor Mimic

Cyber Locc says... #2

Also its listed as dragons maze and m14 it wasn't printed for m14 just dragons maze

August 7, 2013 12:12 a.m.

Dritz says... #3

I checked that card earlier today when I was durdling around with a deck idea. Both printings have images attached (even though the M14 one shouldn't exist) also the M14 one has more complete information as of this very moment. Odd.

They also both display images in printing history but not in decks or similar.

August 7, 2013 4:43 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #4

I know crazzy right

August 7, 2013 10:41 a.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #5

On the subject of faulty card images, I'm not sure how many M14 ones are faulty, but Gnawing Zombie and Tenacious Dead are among them, they do not pop up in my cube. Or, at all.

August 7, 2013 1:12 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #6

ya pookypuppy6 theres quite a few

August 7, 2013 1:17 p.m.

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