Card Images

TappedOut forum

Posted on Aug. 9, 2013, 11:07 p.m. by Unforgivn_II

While it is certainly awesome that us upgraded users are allowed to fix and update cards (I've had a fun time doing it here and there), PLEASE CROP YOUR IMAGES!!!!

The mouseovers are programmed to have built-in borders. When you don't crop, you get nasty mouseovers like this: Arcbound Ravager (which I just submitted a fix for). You would be better off not adding a picture, as either way someone else will have to add a new picture.

Paint is a simple program. Use it to make our lives a little easier please.

Epochalyptik says... #2

Also, the image for Progenitor Mimic seems to have gone wonky.

August 10, 2013 4:26 p.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #3

Heh, that one's been like that the whole time. I'd fix it if I were at a computer, but I am not. If there's no fix by later tonight, I'll do it, plus any others I see/know of.

August 10, 2013 4:32 p.m.

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