Collected Goblins....yes again...sorry?

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 12, 2015, 11:50 p.m. by vomdur

Hey everyone I have been playing my collected goblins deck at a few FNMs and such and have found that my only consistent bad matchup has been tron. I don't know if this is because my opponents have been lucky getting all their Pyroclasm at the right time or a deck problem so I am trying a splash of white for Boros Charm and Burrenton Forge-Tender. Both will be useful against different matchups. The forge tender should be a great 1 drop vs tron to allow me to swarm the board and hopefully kill them before they can wipe it. The charm should help out with mid range decks which haven't been to0 bad but they are always close games.

What do you think about the splash of white? any other suggestions?

Collected Goblins

Modern vomdur


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