Artifact Frustration. pointers pls

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 20, 2011, 7:21 a.m. by swalwellalex

hey O! so ive been working on this deck Trusty lil Puresteel for three or four days now and currently its pretty consistent but i want to shave a cpl turns off what it currently needs to pwn (bout 7) im on a budget atm so for the Mirrodin swords i can afford either 2 of Sword of War and Peace or Sword of Body and Mind or only one of the other more expensive swords. I dont want any memnites and like using walls to protect myself until i own with a decked out Auriok Edgewright idk give me tips on what to do to it..also tips on things for going into the sideboard as well would be awesome.

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