The Brown Spider

Commander / EDH Gleeock


Less Hug - More Slug & A Dash of Ramp —Oct. 24, 2018

We return to our roots with an extra dose of havoc/Havoc Festival. A return to groupslug, discard, and pooping on control a bit. I found that I consistently had fun cards... but the ramp was a higher need.

I wanted to make this deck different than other successful draw/ramp/creature sluggers that I already played. In the spirit of making the deck DIFFERENT but still fun to play; I believe I have succeeded. Discard is being reintroduced as a pseudo-protection mechanism and incentive to make plays while you can. Unusual draw alternatives have proven fun with this, so I removed all of the nonbo card-draw reliant themes. The deck often forces itself to make plays, so I have removed some of the redirect spells (which does hurt my heart, but not as much as having to discard them). Some creature strength is re-added.

I created a category to lump together concepts of mass attack incentives, creature generation for all, and forced plays.... I just called it "chaos-seeding/control poop". Endless Whispers has been surprisingly fun... no one really wants these chaos-causing creatures... but somebody is going to get them anyway :)

"Non-draw/card advantage" also has some categorical overlap or misnomer at times Insidious Dreams, but is conceptually made to function by piggybacking other libraries' or repetitively using our massive mana pool to make plays without being very hand-reliant.

Lastly, the mass ramp options give me some way to either play the spider earlier, or repeat play it in the event of removal.