
Casual LordLoli


On getting the 200 cards sideboard. —June 12, 2017

So hilariously, with the release of all the new eldrazi commons, the 200 eldrazi/changeling cards only cost me $6. And that's WITH the added price of not trying to find the cheapest ones, but rather just grabbing 200 Warden of Geometries. So yeah, the order for the deck on TCG cost me $29.50. Heh.

Airwings says... #1

Love so much your idea (and the quotes which is deliciously placed there) and also the checklist. Perfect for a surprise FFA! +1

August 8, 2016 1:02 p.m.

LordLoli says... #2

Thanks Airwings, a fun surprise was indeed the purpose behind the deck. Usually works the first time a group sees it because they think I'm getting mana to cast a big creature or something, and they only start to worry when Primal Surge has been cast.

August 8, 2016 2 p.m.

Bloodchief-10 says... #3

LordLoli, you've done it again. I don't know how you can possibly come up with these ideas, but they are exactly what I like to see. You put us all back in the old group to shame.

August 9, 2016 12:50 a.m.

LordLoli says... #4

Hehe, thanks Bloodchief-10, the idea for this deck is actually more a combination of like 4 different deck ideas. Besides just pulling old ideas together, I just had to figure out how to make Wormfang Manta enter once and leave twice.

August 9, 2016 2:20 p.m.