Donald Trump's Wet Dream

Commander / EDH ChRyKy


March 21, 2019

Ok, so I thought "What the heck" and purchased two packs of Iconic Masters on clearance at my local games store. Cos, you know, one isn't enough, what if you miss our on that one card that would instantly improve your deck right? I should've stopped at one! Upon opening, I find the second card is Doorkeeper, next is Search for Tomorrow, then a Star Compass. I get to the uncommons, and here is a Sultai Flayer. Hmm, working well so far. Then a Mana Drain...

As I said, should've stopped at one pack...

So I've made some changes to the deck, as well as adding more lands, I was getting stuck way too often on two or three by turn 8

TheNocholas says... #1

I have played 1v1 against a solid arcades deck and arcades is a massive threat in the air. Getting the commander damage win with this deck is a legit strategy.

Also in the edit fill out your hubs, pillowfort and bant are good ones. It just helps get people looking at your deck. Right now you hit the edh forum and maybe get a few hours.

February 21, 2019 4:44 a.m.

Shabompistan says... #2

I feel like this deck could benefit from a little more vigilance and possibly some equipment. Slagwurm Armor and Accorder's Shield come to mind. Brave the Sands is also a great enchantment for only two mana.

March 18, 2019 7:30 a.m.