Back and forth from the grave they go!

Commander / EDH Venara828


In my meta —Aug. 24, 2020

Now before I rebuilt this deck, it didn't really stand a chance in my groups meta due to only having 2 other players besides myself, however now this deck is in a better place in the meta. The meta changed a tad and theres now 5 people I play with regularly and there's a variety of decks, however this list can work and can sometimes win from nowhere.

Bisbas says... #1

i would put Sword of Feast and Famine , Sword of War and Peace and Sword of the Animist in the deck, they are alle equipments that is pretty powerfull, don't underestimate Sword of the Animist in a non-green deck.

April 16, 2019 11:23 p.m.

Venara828 says... #2

Bisbas, I would like to add the swords in this deck, and I probably will at some point, atm, I dont have the money for them. They are to expensive for me atm. Not Sword of the Animist , but the others. Sword of the animist would be an interesting card though.

April 17, 2019 5:01 a.m.