MTG Combo: Cauldron Haze + Solemnity


Supplice on Teysa Karlov, the Final Law

5 years ago

As someone who has long struggled to do something that really satisfies me we this commander who's flavour I adore, I applaud you. I just wanted to address your Cauldron Haze + Solemnity combo: it isn't exactly a combo. I don't know if you intend it as a way of unpenalized recursion but it isn't a loop. This is true of anything that grants a temporary effect (until end of turn, for example). If the card affected changes zones at any point, it will count as a new iteration; anything that applied when it before it changed zones no longer will after the fact. This means that after they come back from persist, they will no longer have it if it was a temporary ability.

If you already knew that, then I'm sorry to have made a fool of myself but hopefully that will prove helpful to you.