When 2 or more attacking Cultivator of Blades are in play do I choose the order of triggers? If so does the second trigger apply the power/toughness boost to all other creatures according to its new power total?
Asked by KingEnma 8 years ago
Assume the board contains 2x 3/3 Cultivator of Blades, 1x 0/3 Thriving Turtle, 1x 2/3 Kujar Seedsculptor, and 1x 2/2 Fairgrounds Trumpeter. Would I end up with a 9/9 Cultivator of Blades, a 6/6 Cultivator of Blades, a 6/9 Thriving Turtle, an 8/9 Kujar Seedsculptor and an 8/8 Fairgrounds Trumpeter?
metalmagic says... #5
KingEnma yes, you're right. I apparently can't do simple math.
October 2, 2016 9:23 p.m.
Definitely a mistake Raging_Squiggle lol. Its ok metalmagic I messed up the math too.
metalmagic says... Accepted answer #1
Alright so you're attacking with all creatures you control (all listed). The only triggers that go on the stack are both Cultivator of Blades and the Thriving Turtle, but let's assume you have no energy so that the turtle's trigger won't matter. When a player controls multiple sources that trigger at the same time, that player chooses which order on the stack they want to put them. In this case, it doesn't really matter.
When the first Cultivator of Blades's trigger resolves, you will have 3/6 Thriving Turtle, 5/6 Kujar Seedsculptor, 5/5 Fairgrounds Trumpeter, 6/6 Cultivator of Blades (the one whose trigger has yet to resolve), and a 3/3 Cultivator of Blades. An important note is that the Cultivator's trigger only cares what its power is when the trigger resolves. When the second one resolves, it will give all of your other attacking creatures an ADDITIONAL +6/+6, leaving you with this:
9/15 Turtle, 11/12 Seedsculptor, 11/11 Trumpeter, 6/6 Cultivator (the one that just resolved) and a 9/9 Cultivator (the one that resolved previously, which now gets the boost from the other one).
I hope this helped!
October 2, 2016 9:01 p.m. Edited.