psionic sliver plus darkheart sliver double dipping?
Asked by delasvegas 5 years ago
This is a question that came up today in my EDH group. I had both Psionic Sliver and Darkheart Sliver in play. My question is: can I tap another sliver for Psionic Sliver 's ability, and then immediately sack it with Darkheart Sliver , both dealing the two damage and gaining the three life? Or will the ability fizzle since there is no sliver to take the three damage. Thanks in advance!
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Caerwyn says... Accepted answer #1
This will work. Abilities on the stack exist independently of their source. If the source does, the ability still resolved.
Here, let’s call the sliver we are using A. Here is how the stack plays:
You activate A’s ability conferred by Psionic Sliver . It goes on the stack.
Before that resolves, you sacrifice it using A’s ability conferred to it by Darkheart Sliver .
The Darkheart ability resolves, you gain 3 life.
The Psionic ability resolves and deals two damage to the target. It did not fizzle just because A died, unless A was the target for the ability (which would be a tad silly).
May 19, 2019 12:40 a.m.