Is the 'Archer' creature subtype the same as 'Soldier'?
Asked by japs_mtg 6 years ago
I need a ruling. I have Soldier lords giving +1/+1. Here's the thing: MTG Gatherer counts Archers as Soldiers in my Search...
I need a ruling. I have Soldier lords giving +1/+1. Here's the thing: MTG Gatherer counts Archers as Soldiers in my Search...
Kogarashi says... Accepted answer #1
"Archer" is a separate creature type from "Soldier." A soldier lord like Field Marshal will only give +1/+1 to Soldier creatures, not Archer creatures (unless they are also Soldiers).
Some creatures that were printed a while ago, such as Aven Archer, have been updated to have the "Archer" type added to their type line when they did a big creature type update a while back.
What archers are being include with soldiers in your Gatherer search?
December 19, 2018 10:58 p.m.