If you tap a land and it produces more mana than you need to cast a particular spell, like if it was being effected by Mana Flare, would you be able to use that 'extra' mana to cast another spell afterwards, or is it wasted?
Asked by Kamakurakid92 9 years ago
For example you have one each of blue white and red mana, they are under the effect of Mana Flare, when you tap them to cast Mantis Rider, would you still be able to use the unused additional mana from the effect of Mana Flare to cast a Jeskai Charm?
Raging_Squiggle says... #2
Note that your mana pool not only empties at the change of phases, but at the change of steps as well.
Eg: upkeep step --> Draw step, your mana will empty.
pskinn01 says... Accepted answer #1
you can use it. Mana stays in your mana pool until you use it, or you go to the next phase of the turn at which time it empties.
January 20, 2016 11:36 p.m. Edited.