If somebody steals my creature, do I still have any friends?
Asked by Yesterday 4 years ago
I'm... not having a breakdown, just trying to understand something silver-bordered.
I (player A) own and control Nightmare Moon
Flip. Player B pays [6] to activate its ability. In response, player C casts Act of Aggression targeting my little pony, and the stack resolves.
I'm thinking the 'when they do' text means it's a triggered ability that's put onto the stack after paying the cost of the activated ability. So that triggered ability would still be on the stack at the time Nightmare Moon was stolen, and would resolve after player C steals the creature but before it transforms?
So player C steals my creature, it transforms and so player C gets the triggered ability from Princess Luna transforming, wish-tutors, but doesn't have any friends? And I do have a friend, but without benefits?
Does that all seem right?
Heh, cheers.
At first I was confused about whether player C would steal my friend or not, but it began to make more sense to me as I typed it out.
I guess I'm just mostly curious about the 'when' part of the text. I initially thought that each batch of wish cards would only be castable by your friends that helped pay for that respective batch. But actually another player becoming your friend seems like a more general thing that lasts the whole game and doesn't specifically suggest that restriction. So in the original example, if I were to activate the ability of another Nightmare Moon
Flip at a later point in the game (by paying in full, myself), player B would still potentially be able to cast the cards I find.
Are there any black-bordered examples of "Whenever a player activates this ability"? The closest things I'm coming up with are Ashling the Pilgrim or Burning-Tree Shaman.
April 21, 2020 6:22 p.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #3
As far as I can think, the "reflexive trigger" tech that the game started using in Amonkhet block only appears packed inside triggered abilities and replacement effects. I can't come up with any examples off the top of my head where a reflexive trigger is inside an activated ability, but I guarantee I'll feel foolish when someone else offers up a really obvious and commonly known one.
April 22, 2020 12:41 a.m.
KorandAngels says... #4
Un rules aren't meant to be understood. I assume you keep the friend, but I also don't understand the Stack so I can't help.
Tylord2894 says... Accepted answer #1
So, while this interaction involves cards that are silver-bordered, that is not actually affecting anything pertinent. You are correct in that player C will control the trigger and get to wish six times even though you controlled the transformation activated ability. Notably, player C can still cast those cards even after the Act of Aggression effect wears off. The "you can cast them from exile" clause is not dependent on you controlling Princess Luna
Also, the fact that they use Act of Aggression is a major flavor win!!
April 21, 2020 5:23 p.m.