How does Thalisse interact with Resplendent Angel?
Asked by bonettig 4 years ago
Hi everyone, let's say I gained 5 life during a turn and I have on the battlefield Resplendent Angel and Thalisse, Reverent Medium, the angel triggers at the beginning of the end step and makes a token... does it count for Thalisse to create a spirit or it's too late?
Neotrup says... Accepted answer #1
It's up to you. Both abilities will trigger (Thalisse, Reverent Medium does trigger, even if you've created 0 tokens). As you control both tokens, you choose the order they get put on the stack, then they resolve in reverse order. As long as you have Resplendent Angel's ability resolve first, Thalisse will see it and create a spirit for it.
December 18, 2020 5:13 p.m.