Hardened Scales Question

Asked by piffguru 10 years ago

So with Hardened Scales, If I put out lets say Spear of Heliod this would not trigger Hardened Scales cause it does not say counter? and the first +1 of Ajani, Mentor of Heroes would trigger am I correct?

GoblinsInc says... Accepted answer #1

So with Hardened Scales, If I put out lets say Spear of Heliod this would not trigger Hardened Scales cause it does not say counter?

Correct. It gives a static +1/+1 buff, but since it doesn't talk about counters, counters aren't involved.

and the first +1 of Ajani, Mentor of Heroes would trigger am I correct?

Hardened scales is a replacement effect, but yes it would apply here.

December 5, 2014 9:59 p.m.

piffguru says... #2

ok had to look up replacement effect.. but then as I understand it does that mean that If I choose 1 creature for all 3 +1's from ajani that it would replace each +1 effect with its own therefore having +6 on that creature?

December 5, 2014 10:02 p.m.

GoblinsInc says... #3

No. If you place 3 counters on one creature, it sees "Place 3 counters" and changes it to "Place 3+1 counters". You place 4. If you choose to place 1 counter on each of three creatures, each of those will be upped to 2, for 6 total, between 3 creatures.

December 5, 2014 10:05 p.m.

piffguru says... #4

gotcha that was the alternative I was thinking. Thank you

December 5, 2014 10:10 p.m.

GoblinsInc says... #5


December 5, 2014 10:10 p.m.

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