Enchanting opponents creatures Question...
Asked by Kcin 10 years ago
Is it legal to, say enchant my opponent's Jelenn Sphinx with my Ordeal of Erebos just so I can use Feast of Dreams to destroy the aforementioned Sphinx?
Gidgetimer says... #2
Yes, if there is an aura that can only be on a creature you control it will say "Enchant creature you control" instead of "enchant creature". Example: Flamespeaker's Will
July 8, 2014 11:45 a.m.
Sweet. Works sorta like a 4-drop kill spell... that and once I enchant my opponent's creature (after his initial, wtf? why are you helping me win) I go for the kill spell.... then he flips the table... lol.
July 8, 2014 11:47 a.m.
GreatSword says... #4
Unless it's something you 'really' need to kill, I wouldn't suggest doing this actually, as it's technically card-disadvantage. You're using 2 cards to get rid of 1 card of your opponent's.
July 8, 2014 11:52 a.m.
I wasn't planning on using this as a go-to strategy, just as an "oh crap, he dropped a threat and this is the only thing I can do" emergency plan. I completely understand 4- mana + 2 cards just to take out one thing = inefficient.
GreatSword says... Accepted answer #1
Yep. Unless there's some kind of restriction like hexproof or the Aura says "enchant creature you control", there's nothing preventing you from enchanting your opponent's creatures. It will then be a legal target for Feast of Dreams like you want.
July 8, 2014 11:44 a.m.