Codex Shredder's 2nd Ability
Asked by ME4Twaffle 10 years ago
When you activate Codex Shredder 's 2nd ability, do you have to reveal the target card to your opponent? My friend has been making me reveal it, but the card doesn't say that I have to.
Epochalyptik says... #2
Cards in the graveyard are never hidden. "Reveal" is used only in reference to hidden information.
gufymike says... Accepted answer #1
He gets to know what card you're targeting, since the graveyard is a public zone. This can be relevant for things that remove cards from the graveyard, like Crypt Incursion and so on.
You activate the ability and target a card, the ability goes on the stack, before it resolves you and your opponent get priority to add anything to the stack, at this point, everyone should know what card you're targeting, then the stack resolves. When it resolves the card goes to your hand a private zone.
From here on he doesn't get to see it, but if you just took the card from your graveyard without showing him the card or explicitly saying you're targeting, he does get to see it to know.
October 30, 2014 9:54 a.m.