Yawgs Win cEDH

Commander / EDH shadowmage

SCORE: 78 | 111 COMMENTS | 40685 VIEWS | IN 46 FOLDERS

Small update edited —July 2, 2019

-1 memnite

+1 Phyrexian Tribute

we needed another strong way to kill an artifact and this is it ; although it requires two creatures to sac which shouldnt be an issue most times, it lets us get rid of a problem on the spot like null rod or cursed totem

-1 rain of filth

it was underperforming. most of the combo turns have been restricted by other players cards rather than our own lack of mana

+1 Ransack the Lab

its like a senseis top activation except you get to bin some of the cards, helpful for getting the land you need and binning a creature to reanimate

-1 cabal coffers

+1 swamp

The coffers was often a dead card; too often, so it was cut

-1 victimize

+1 gate to phyrexia

Vicitimize isn’t as important as it used to be here since we usually don’t need two creatures from the gy at once, we can use the gate to minimize our chances of bricking a combo turn and also prohibit others from wanting to drop an artifact just for us to break it on upkeep. Bitterblossom style cards do the most work here.

shadowmage says... #1

@ramos_lomos thank you! Hangarback is pretty good also and may deserve a spot.

June 28, 2019 7:51 a.m.

Maestrojarrett says... #2

This list is fantastic!!

I’m using it as a starting point for my own deck...but I’m probably going to power down a little for my meta and to include some of my favorite black cards.

June 28, 2019 11:36 p.m.