Singularity Zoo

Modern robrone9


4-0 FNM —Jan. 2, 2015

I let my friend who had never played the deck before borrow my deck tonight while I ran mono white knights for a change of pace. We were never matched up together as I lost the first round and he managed a 4-0 finish to take first place. I didn't see all his matches but I know he beat affinity and scapeshift.

robrone9 says... #1

I think the Swiftspear would better with cantrips, specifically in Delver builds, but I will try it out. The Experiment One I am wary of just because there are lots of tempo / bounce spells in my meta. He just ends up getting reset. But I will keep him in mind for sure. I expect Delver to be popular tonight, what with the Treasure Cruise running rampant right now.

I made a few changes and put in the Rampager just to give myself a shot against Mono Green since my friend told me he is running that tonight. What do you guys think of my sideboard?

December 5, 2014 9:48 a.m.

kungfuturtle says... #2

Something is going to get bounced against those decks my friend,

December 5, 2014 12:28 p.m.

robrone9 says... #3

Exactly. The creatures I am using now don't care because they don't use +1/+1 counters. Experiment One, while amazing I agree, will come in from the board if the game allows. It just seems everybody at my store plays blue these days. :)

December 5, 2014 2:25 p.m.