Saheeli Shenanigans - Theorycrafting Turn 1 kills

Oathbreaker Zeddicuus


Potential Turn 1 kill discovered! —Nov. 21, 2019

Hey all. Below I'll list the steps to pull of what will be a turn 1 kill. Of course, this requires the perfect hand, perfect 1st turn draw in a multiplayer game and the wincon as one of the top two cards. Odds of this happening are...well... almost non-existent, but hey, that's why it's a potential turn 1 kill and not a guaranteed turn 1 kill!

This relies on the following in your hand after the draw: -Isochron Scepter -Dramatic Reversal -Seething Song -Desperate RItual -Pyretic Ritual -Simian Spirit Guide -Ancient Tomb -talisman of creativity

So it works as follows

-Play Ancient Tomb.
-Discard Simian Spirit Guide -Cast Seething Song. Now you have 5 red mana and 5 cards in hand. -Cast Desperate Ritual so you're at 6 red mana.
-Cast Pyretic Ritual to get 7 red mana. 3 cards left. -Cast Saheeli. 4 red mana left. -Cast the Talisman/Signet. Use Saheeli's -1 ability to turn the myr token into a copy of that artifact. so you should have RR left. - Cast Isochron Sceptre and imprint Dramatic Reversal. That empties your hand and your mana pool. Use the talismans to activate Isochron. This casts a copy which nets you a myr token. Rinse and repeat until you have enough tokens to over run everyone. -Use the U to cast Thoughtcast and hopefully draw into a Burst of Speed, which costs R and gives all creatures Haste. Cast and win!

If anyone else has ideas of how to turn Saheeli, Sublime Artificer into a Turn 1 killing machine or want to post your thoughts on the deck, all opinions are appreciated!