Hulk Inc.

Commander / EDH* Pathrogas


Cutting combo pieces. Description up to date again —Aug. 9, 2019

Missed an update at an earlier point and don't remember the exact cuts, but the list and description are up to date again.

Noteworthy changes:

No more Guildmage Reset combo. I found I'm fine fighting through Flash or Freed, and having higher card quality is important to me.

Crop Rot was out for a bit and is in again, as another way to make instant wins happen.

Quicken is our second way of allowing instant speed Twister loops. Card has been great so far.

Cute AF dino is out because I didn't know what else to cut, might be back at some point. Spellskite is in because protective hulk lines are stupid and we should run them. Needs a piece on the board already, but that's fine. Skite is also just super annoying and blocks Tymna, so there.

Mirhanis says... #1

Why not run Dramatic Reversal instead of Reset ? It works the same way ( untapping lands vs untapping rocks or dorks is the same thing ) and is less restrictive. You could finish the game on your turn with the guildmage combo instead of needing to pass turn.

April 27, 2019 10:51 a.m.

Pathrogas says... #2

@Mirhanis Reset does two things in this build - offer another pretty minimal setup line (the combo shines in longer games, so land drops are easy to make and a hard setup to interact with), and help our instant speed wins by untapping Alchemist's Refuge for instant speed Twister loops. Not being able to do it in our turn is kinda bad, but hasn't really been a big problem so far in testing.

April 28, 2019 5:25 p.m.