Can't believe I spent money on this junk

Modern vampirelazarus


Tuesday night modern results! —Dec. 31, 2015

Took... Third, I think. They didn't actually give me standings.

Round one: Twin win in three.

He won the first match after getting a turn four Splinter Twin+Pestermite.

Matches two and three however were closed out very quickly after playing conservatively, and keeping mana up for path/abrupt decay. Resto was very welcome in this match, being able to cast her end of turn, and swing was huge.

Round two: affinity loss in two.

Too fast man, too fast.

Round three: Esper "burn" win in two.

This is a home brew build by a rather skilled player, and it's got quite a lot going on, and is actually pretty decent.

Rhino and Goyf made quick work of it though.

Wombatz says... #1

i would put in the other two tarmogoyfs and three or four lilianas and 1 more siege rino. im not sure what you like about this deck so i'll leave the cutting to you.+1

December 24, 2015 9:12 a.m.

vampirelazarus says... #2


Those will be included. I don't have the $900 or so dollars to spend on the four goyfs and four lili's, as the description says. The only reason I was able to play the two goyfs was because someone lent them to me for the night.

They will be included. As for the extra rhino, I agree. It would be nice, but Resto is also nice. And is proving quite valuable.

December 24, 2015 1:18 p.m.