
Standard* Uthersfight


BaneOfLordran says... #1

Have you considered Molderhulk ?

April 3, 2019 6:48 p.m.

Uthersfight says... #2

I looked at it; however, I think it's just too much mana for something that's not evasive or threatening enough on its own. I feel like this card does well when the deck is already doing well, but doesn't contribute enough when the deck is struggling and needs to go off.

April 8, 2019 2:41 a.m.

Uthersfight says... #3


Removed the interactivness of Dazzling Lights for the ramp of Llanowar Elves . the mill isn't very strong as a one mana mill 2. The hope is the elves will help accelerate to be competitive and the deck generally needs more mana to bring more cards out of the grave.

reduced # of desecrated tombs. the stacking is only so useful.

added Talons of Wildwood in the faithless looting slot. adds more things to do with the grave and the draw element of faithless isn't really needed in this deck

added more glow shamans. drawing things that aren't land can feel bad when it's a creeping chill or narco. in traditional dredge these dont happen as often. shaman makes sure that most of my unwanted draws hit card I dont mind top decking.

May 6, 2019 10:10 a.m.

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