Zombies of the Winter Moon

Zombies, aristocrats, Grief Scam, Handrip, Winter Moon, infinite combo...Modern ...

Modern DMFF

Value Kiki Chord

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 26, 2021, 6:38 p.m. by TheBubbaEA

Hi all,

I created a Kiki Chord deck: 5c Kiki Value that tries to deviate away from the normal Toolbox list and mimics the value engine that is the current 4c Elementals deck. The idea is to quickly play value based creatures with ETB effects to ensure we can repeat those effects with Ephemerate and Restoration Angel. This way we can be generally always be ahead in some way. And on top of that we get to have consistency with chord and have access to the kiki combo which I utterly love.

I think this build is quite different than most Kiki lists (not by a crazy long shot, but enough to be squinted at) and feel like I have hit a rut. There are some flex spots and ratios that I'm not confident in and would love some outside opinions.

I've included a write up in the description for each card in case you are skeptical and looking to understand what the heck is going on.

So if you have any ideas for cool ETB value creatures that would make a great addition, or have a cool idea for this kind of deck please let me know! I'm open to discuss :)

Thanks for your time!


Ended making a new list derived form this one that embraces the midrange quite a bit harder and is quite consistent! 5c Kiki NeoForm Variant

enpc says... #2

If you're going for a midrange build, have you thought about one or two Eternal Witnesses? lets you Chord for E-Wit, get back Chord, chord for Kiki, copy E-Wit, get back Chord, get Resto and win. Lots of mana but potentially split between EoT and main phase is a win.

August 26, 2021 11:32 p.m.

TheBubbaEA says... #3

enpc yeah I see what you mean. I’ve thought about it actually! My fear is that if we put eternal witness that card on its own is pretty meh. Like it’s only there to combo and potentially hit fetches.

I’ll try it for sure! Do you have any idea what might be the cut? I think I’m having a hard time on what to cut for 2

August 26, 2021 11:51 p.m.

enpc says... #4

Even if you ran one and cut an Ephemerate. I know E-Wit is a bit meh by itself, however switting with a Kiki/E-Wit in play with a Path to Exile in hand is gross. Hell, even an E-Wit with Ephemerate gives you an infinite chump blocker - block with E-Wit, bounce it and then in your upkeep bounce it again getting the spell back to hand.

I know there was a bant control deck that ran a mix of E-Wits and Snapcasters to basically get a lock with Cryptic Command - I think she can be surprisingly good.

August 27, 2021 12:10 a.m.

TheBubbaEA says... #5

enpc damn that’s kinda hilarious to think about Infiniting a path and witness hahaha. Yeah for sure I’ll give it a shot and see how it plays out :)

August 27, 2021 12:33 a.m.

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