Useful additions for Thantis, the Warweaver

Commander Deck Help forum

Posted on April 13, 2021, 12:31 p.m. by seshiro_of_the_orochi

After trying over and over again, I've finally found a version of Thantis, the Warweaver I like:

Warweaver's Chant

Commander / EDH seshiro_of_the_orochi


I know you'd usually include Revenge of Ravens style effects, but I decided against them on purpose, as I wanted to focus on creature combat, anthem effects, Fog s, lifegain and especially vigilance. You could say I'm kind of a Timmy ;) I'm not totally opposed to adding them in if I learn that the deck simply doesn't work without them, but I'd prefer holding the current course.

The result is the linked list. After adding Toski, Bearer of Secrets because of the great synergy between its indestructibility and the deck's ability of granting vigilance, I'll also add in Sapling of Colfenor soon.

As you'd imagine, thanks to Covid, I've had no chance to test the deck yet in an actual game.

My questions to the community:

With the given direction, do you have ideas I could take my 8-legged friend in? How do you like the general idea? Do you think the direction I took it in is stupid? Please let me know.

Gleeock says... #2

The beauty of Thantis is the perplexing open-endedness of the commander. I've had the most success & fun making it a mix of: monarch/courts, token spawning big-boys (on upkeep is my fav.), polymorph spells to trade tokens for bigs, card draw for little guys, & lifelink.

A few favorites: Toski, Bearer of Secrets , Ohran Frostfang , Oath of Druids , Kardur, Doomscourge , Clackbridge Troll , Awakening Zone , Moldervine Reclamation , Thieving Amalgam

April 13, 2021 10:59 p.m.

Gleeock: These are very interesting, thanks a lot for the suggestions. I've never heard anyone say that about Thantis, but it makes perfect sense...great point of view.

April 13, 2021 11:26 p.m.

Gleeock says... #4

No problem. Lifelink is very good in Thantis as well. Particularly now that there is no dmg... then response to dmg phase (alot of people forget this). I've had someone swing 20 1/1's at me (forgetting about Whip of Erebos ) only to have Thantis get +20/20 & have me lose no life

April 17, 2021 4:02 p.m.

Whip is perfect, will definitely add it to they maybe board. I just bought the new BG commander precon and will add in Sapling of Colfenor . Any other thoughts on cards from the list that might help? I'm actually considering Willowdusk, Essence Seer .

April 17, 2021 11:27 p.m.

Gleeock says... #6

For my build Beledros Witherbloom will be amazing (but I do polymorph into 7 cmc things with stuff like Divergent Transformations - not everyone is running a side-polymorph gig like me. Witch's Clinic will actually be a windmill-slap in land for me (& it sounds like you have one) - because, again, lifelink on thantis when she gets bigger per attacking creature is pretty great. IMO Shiny Impetus is ramp that forces aggression which I think is great... If anything I usually get 1 mana any color from it (usually more though) & also force a surprising amount of dmg - I find it to be more thematic in the deck than Cultivate . Clackbridge Troll is a large threat where either people tap him down & I'm happy with 3 life & a card, or someone is taking a good ding, which also makes me happy. Massacre Wurm has done work for me. Journey to Eternity  Flip usually gets forgotten & recursion on a land has won me games. Calculating Lich is a pet card that I like. Rampage of the Clans is one of my favorite instant sweepers that converts the board into vanilla attackers (sounds bad) but there are plenty of times where I hit a point that I just want the field to have creatures... Also has won me the game with Purphuros, God of the Forge

April 22, 2021 9:11 a.m.

Gleeock: Indeed I have Clinic. I actually decided against it here as it is a colourless land. The lifelink is pretty useful though. Beledros is another great addition. If I manage to pull one, I'll add her in. Impetus is pretty cool, as well.

I'm wary of creatures with Triple-Pips in tri-colour decks, but massacre wurm is a house. Will consider that. The remaining cards simply aren't my jam. Thank you nonetheless for the great input.

April 22, 2021 10:09 a.m.

Gleeock says... #8

Yeah, I've done ALOT of playtesting with it. I think with Jund spaghetti noodles thrown at the wall is pretty fun with Thantis & comes out on top more often than you'd think in mid range games. It seems to just play up to the level of the competition pretty well. More often than not players cannot really figure out what priority removal targets actually are in the deck (they will often do a headscratcher like focus on Thantis too much or some other weird move)... As you say triple pips are usually to be avoided with a wedge deck. In my case the deck is primary black with most those creatures coming out as freeplays or polymorphs.

April 22, 2021 12:03 p.m.

Gleeock: That's useful information for me. Thantis is, among many others of my decks, the result of the pandemic, and as such, I have had no chance to actually play it. I can't wait to test all of the new decks, and Thantis is veeery high on the priority list.

April 22, 2021 1:29 p.m.

Gleeock: I've done some changes to the actual deck. I'll try to incorporate them on here soon.

April 23, 2021 3:09 a.m.

About a month has passed now, and I've done some changes to the list. It is now a little stronger on the anthem side, with a big focus on different keywords, especially vigilance, trample and menace. The ramp is mainly land-based, so artifact removal doesn't hurt me in that regard. Currently, this really feels like an actual jund list, with great value, quite a lot of resilience and quiteva lot of massive beaters. While I still didn't get a chance of actually playing it, it has slowly become one of my favourite decks.

I'm still happy about each and every feedback.

May 23, 2021 11:02 a.m.

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