Phosphorescent Feast

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Phosphorescent Feast


Chroma - Reveal any number of cards in your hand. You gain 2 life for each green mana symbol in those cards' mana costs.

Caerwyn on Chroma Has One Advantage Over …

7 months ago

You are wrong about how Chroma works - Chroma only counts mana symbols in the mana costs of cards - see Light from Within. It does not count mana symbols found anywhere else on the card.

And, while you are correct it can look at different places than just what you control, it is always limited to just one thing. Fiery Bombardment only looks at the sacrifices creature. Light from Within only looks at the symbols on the individual creature. Phosphorescent Feast only looks at the revealed cards.

While this gives it some flexibility, it makes it a terribly designed ability word. Ability words are supposed to make the game easier by telling you exactly what events must transpire for the ability to be implicated at a glance. Chroma does not do that - because it can be used for so many different things, you still have to read the card to know what set of mana symbols you need to look at.

Compare to Devotion - you see the word devotion and you automatically know where to look.

Chroma’s abilities are fine - and there certainly is design space for things like Light from Within. But it should just be a regular old ability, not something with an ability word attached.

reivaxo on Primalcrux Chroma

2 years ago

I don't recommend playing Phosphorescent Feast, life gain is rarely helpful if you don't use it as a resource towards a win con. I also suggest a The Great Henge or two, that card makes a creature based deck never run out of fuel. If you want more ideas, check out Potatoes. This deck is really similar to yours.

sub780lime on Damia

3 years ago

I'd love to know more what you see the lane of the deck to be. That would help provide more strategic recommendations. Looking at the list, I see a lot of 'good stuff' cards, but not always seeing how they all are intended to work together. That could just be me. There is the Laboratory Maniac and you do have a few ways to increase or multiple your draws...

While I'm not recommending specific ones of these cards, I see Damia, Sage of Stone and try to build around with cards that are impacted by the number of cards in your hand and building that number up. In my own build once upon a time, I aimed to draw more where I could and hold onto those cards. You have a Thought Vessel and Reliquary Tower, but also having a free Spellbook might be in order.

I see the snow-covered lands, but not much interaction with them. A Scrying Sheets or Sunstone seem in order.

There are many ways to be a little hand hate bear if you want. Noetic Scales can be fun in this way or Locust Miser. Narset, Parter of Veils plays in well to this too.

As far as cards in your hand interaction, I'll throw out a bunch, but with no particular synergy in mind aside from cards in hand. You might have enough green for Phosphorescent Feast. If your constantly overfilling your hand, Scroll Rack would give you some major filtering. Credit Voucher also does this, but isn't repeatable. Jushi Apprentice  Flip is one way you can overfill your hand in Damia. Sea Gate Restoration  Flip can come in as an untapped land, but if you are rolling in mana, it can fill that hand even more. You are also ramping really hard and just one of the draw X spells probably has a place here. There are, of course, a number of cards that have power/toughness equal to your cards in hand if you wanted to go that route. Ominous Seas is a card you'll trigger a lot in Damia.

No Cyclonic Rift? Some form of graveyard hate is probably warranted, even if just, especially dropping a swamp for Bojuka Bog. You've got 3 sorcery tutors, but I'd slot one out for Vampiric Tutor.

I've been thinking about rebuilding Damia myself as mill deck now that there is so much more support for it.

DemonDragonJ on Should Green Have Lifegain this …

5 years ago

White is undisputedly the best color in this game at gaining life, but green is allowed to have lifegain, as well, although green’s life gain can never be as mana-efficient or in as large quantities as white’s.

However, there are a number of green cards that gain life that I feel are too powerful, and thus blur the line between green and white, including Stream of Life , Feed the Clan , Phosphorescent Feast , and the new Weather the Storm . If all of those cards were white (or even green/white), they would be perfectly acceptable, but I feel that such powerful and efficient lifegain is not suitable for green, which focuses more on power and brute strength, whereas white is the color of healing and repair (typically, but there are certainly exceptions in both cases).

What does everyone else say about this? Do you believe that those cards are too powerful and efficient for green?

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