Coordinated Assault

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Coordinated Assault


Up to two target creatures each get +1/+0 and gain first strike until end of turn.

ThoAlmighty on For Honor

2 years ago

You have a lot of heroic creatures, but nothing to trigger them. Cards like Banners Raised that affect everything, don't actually target, so they don't benefit your heroic creatures in any extra way. You'd need a card like Gird for Battle or Coordinated Assault that specifically use the word "target" to get your heroic abilities to trigger.

plakjekaas on Goad effects

3 years ago

Coordinated Assault , Invigorated Rampage , Nahiri's Stoneblades , and a few that care about attacking creatures, no matter who controls them, like Trumpet Blast , but you'd need to combo in combat, those won't work with The Akroan War .

But nothing that does it for all creatures your opponents control, as far as I could find.

tkjanacek on Pioneer Feather

4 years ago

I just started working on building a similar deck: Feather Heroic Pioneer. I used to play Akroan Crusader , Coordinated Assault and Martial Glory , it's unclear to me whether they will make the cut nowadays.

Rorolith on So a Feather CAN knock you down...

4 years ago

Favored Hoplite , Coordinated Assault , Phalanx Leader are all not pioneer legal according to tapped out

schulle on Ur Dragon

5 years ago

Well... I would definetly try to tinker a Little around,to be honest I don't think the deck will work out like this,you have way to few lands as most decks run around 35-37 normally and with a manaintensive tribe like Dragons it could also go up to 39.

so I will give some cut suggestions:

Coordinated Assault +Thunderstrike not really neccesary you almost always have the biggest creatures on board so attacking/blocking shouldn't be that much of a problem

Dragon Fodder + Krenko's Command the early blocker aren't worth that much,most of the time,I would advice to get additional ramp to get your Dragons out faster so maybe try out Cultivate + Kodama's Reach with some added basiclands

Now to the heartbraking part to cut some Dragons(40+ creatures is already extreme) if you want to keep some for your flavour it isn't wrong I just want to help to improve your expirience with the deck.

Dragon Hatchling + Dragon Egg + Furnace Whelp these cards have really low Impact on the game so it would be better to cast any kind of ramp to these cards to get your big bad Dragons out earlier.

Freejam Regent not enough artifact's to utilize the improvise mechanic so kinda overcosted

Knollspine Dragon drawing Cards is nice but if I'm not wrong Kindred Discovery was in this precon and it will probably help more then this,as you would Need a boardpresence before casting it to deal dmg

Progenitus it's really hard to cast and not even a Dragon...

Shivan Dragon one of the most iconic cards of magic...but it's kinda bad in this time,where creatures can be way more powerful then this

Tyrant of Valakut just seems underwhelming it's an average Body for a Dragon but if you want additional removal maybe something like Swords to Plowshares would simply be better

Vampiric Dragon overcosted and not that strong in itself

Volcanic Dragon underwhelming…

I know that it seems harsh to Judge some of your decisions but bear with me.

What would I add:

Many lands already said what was normal for most EDH decks also rampspells to get your big beaters out a couple of turns earlier

Removal would also help greatly.

Protection like Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots to get through with your best creatures.

Last but not least Urza's Incubator , Temur Ascendancy are both cards that i really enjoy to draw with my Ur-Dragon deck.

Hope my critique helped a Little to let the lizards fly higher then ever befor

Mondo1212 on Feather The Redeemed

5 years ago

Here ya go, Derrick,

Where is Gamble

Ramp or extra mana

Fellwar Stone , Fire Diamond , Marble Diamond , MindStone, Sword of the Animist , Thought Vessel , Hardened Berserker , Treasonous Ogre , Neheb, the Eternal , Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion Desperate Ritual , Pyretic Ritual , Seething Song ,

Target spells that are dope

Coordinated Assault , Enrage , Otherworldly Outburst is cool and you can loop it if the creature you buff dies making a token, Samut's Sprint , Titan's Strength , Accelerate , Aleatory , Chaotic Strike , Stun , Niveous Wisps , Carom , Formation gives banding which is spicy, Spiritualize , Stave Off , Bathe in Light , Feat of Resistance , Chaos Warp target tokens to get permanets from your deck for free, and is good removal.

Heroic/Prowess Creatures cuz value

Vanguard of Brimaz , Fabled Hero , Tethmos High Priest , Leonin Iconoclast , Arena Athlete , Akroan Line Breaker , Monastery Swiftspear , Soul-Scar Mage , Dragon-Style Twins ,

these are some cards I think you should look at, don't need all and some might not fit exactly but if you like them then put them in. Cut some lands you can go down to 34 if you add in more artifacts, which go great with paradox engine.

Cards I think you should replace: Emerge Unscathed rebound fucks with your commander it exiles them not letting you put them back into your hand; Aurelia's Fury really expensive to get any good use out of it, or if you want protection during your turns run Grand Abolisher or Silence ; Expose Evil is too slow of a draw engine Mentor of the Meek with the tokens you make is better for drawing; Burnished Hart and Solemn Simulacrum are meh, better to go with artifact ramp that can feed the paradox plan, plus artifact ramp is cheaper and faster; speaking of artifacts Boros Cluestone and Boros Keyrune are good flavor options but aren't that good as other artifacts; Inferno Titan and Sun Titan are good creatures but don't fit into the game plan as well better to put things that help with the gameplan.

BetayedGoblin on

5 years ago

what is the deal with Coordinated Assault and Weapon Surge ? not to sound harsh or anything im just wondering how does fit in the deck?

SMASHER101 on Opinions on my first legit …

5 years ago

Seems like a decent budged build that you could have some fun games with, i'd say it's tier 2.5-3. The overal strategy just eats it to instant speed removal.

There are better cards than Coordinated Assault, and I would say that Spellheart Chimera might better than Enigma Drake because of trample. Nivix Cyclops should be in there as kiln fiend 5-8.

The manabase definitly needs work, and you don't need fetches and shocks to do that, painlands and fastlands will do just fine for a 2 color deck. Checklands should replace the gainlands and the rest can be basics. Upgrade in that order btw.

Good luck at FNM!

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