Brawler's Plate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Brawler's Plate

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has trample. (If it would assign enough damage to its blockers to destroy them, you may have it assign the rest of its damage to defending player or planeswalker.)

Equip (: Attack to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)

Juicy_J82 on Renata

2 years ago

I think a Ring of Kalonia would do some heavy lifting in this deck if you have room for it, either in addition to or as a replacement for Brawler's Plate. Looks fun!

TheVectornaut on Death Touch Green Boi

3 years ago

I'll just go through the mainboard cards I would personally cut first. Ancient Ooze : very big but requires trample or the like to actually do anything at 7 mana. Copper Myr : almost objectively worse here than most green mana dorks. Ezuri's Archers : not impactful enough in the main without a devotion or elf theme. Ghoultree : your creatures are too big to be dying that often and you want them alive anyway. Lumberknot : similar story to Ghoultree. Spawnwrithe : needs to be built around. Wall of Tanglecord : wastes the benefits of any Overrun effects. Predator's Rapport : more of a sideboard card unless burn is really popular. Reclaim : very slow and lacking enough good targets. Serpent's Gift : redundant and inefficient if you just run enough deathtouch creatures. Tower Defense : are there really enough flyers going around to have this in the main? Windstorm : see above. Spider Spawning : if this is what you're running Transguild Promenade for, it's not worth it without more GY synergy. Accorder's Shield : vigilance isn't impactful enough with no exert, tap abilities, or much else to abuse it. Brawler's Plate : very costly for the buff. Golden Urn : much worse than even the Rapport. Staff of the Wild Magus : staffs aren't even strong enough to do well in dedicated lifegain decks, unfortunately.

I'd say all of your maybeboard picks are better than the aforementioned cards. I'll list some other alternatives that come to my mind though. Primordial Hydra and Kalonian Hydra are some budget-unfriendly but highly dangerous beaters that you can get out relatively early. Joraga Treespeaker (or maybe Elvish Archdruid ) would make your archers much better by letting them double as mana dorks. Otherwise, I like Arbor Elf with Utopia Sprawl type auras on your forests to help ramp. If you prefer the vigilance idea, Champion of Rhonas is a budget Elvish Piper that likes not tapping in combat. If you like walls, Overgrown Battlement and Axebane Guardian can get ridiculous mana going. They also benefit from Assault Formation which synergizes with Tower Defense. In terms of small creatures with reach, Traproot Kami is my clear pick for mono-green, especially in multiplayer. If you need to add trample, Rancor is excellent value. If you need recursion, Eternal Witness should be near the top of the list. If you're struggling with flyers, maybe try Gravity Well . If you need more life, Engulfing Slagwurm likes forced blocks while Verdant Sun's Avatar likes playing beefy guys.

Given what you have already, I think shifting to include more deathtouch creatures and Lure s would be the most optimal plan. Viridian Longbow and Thornbite Staff are some other equipment that benefit from that strategy. For the creatures, Ohran Frostfang is a casual-only option that's completely busted in commander, and I'm always a sucker for Wasteland Viper 's versatility at only 1 mana.

king-saproling on Curiosity Didn’t Kill This Cat.

3 years ago

Personally I would make these swaps:

Also it looks like you forgot to add your lands

Aclaus on Just attack

5 years ago
  1. Path of Bravery seems like a dead card most the game, since attacking always will leave you open, i suggest Brave the Sands to fill the void and keep ur wall up while also attacking

  2. Gleam of Battle for Lightmine Field -a 6 cost enchant should really do more then this, u want it to really effect the board. this enchant does that!. i will warn you when considering this one, it screws you over bad if someone keeps killing your commander, but hes pretty hard to remove..

  3. Hyena Umbra for Legion's Initiative , if your lookin for a little buff for ur junior guys this card here will help all of them! and its second ability i believe will save your men from a boardwipe, or u other combat tricks like block then sac it and they will return while still blocking trampless creatures!

  4. Bonds of Faith if this is for removal i would suggest Swords to Plowshares or Pacifism or Oblivion Ring

  5. Brawler's Plate for Loxodon Warhammer - just a better equipment in my opinion

  6. in my last post about land i missed Sacred Foundry which is expensive but was just reprinted and will only go up in price. very excellent upgrade.

greyninja on Fight Me IRL

6 years ago

Absolutely! My pleasure

If you're having two creatures fight, and you Momentous Fall yours; theirs lives? Fight is a neat mechanic, but I'd go with just the few low cmc ones. Chandra's Ignition is a good way to wipe out some creatures. As is Balefire Dragon and it's lil homie Cyclops Gladiator

Maybe consider streamlining the deck with more creatures to make sure you're out gunning opponents. Borborygmos is asking for "go wide" strategy, where Xenagos, God of Revels focuses on one creature at a time n "go tall". Btw if you can play something like Might of Oaks on your commander with xenagod out it's gg lol. Heroic Intervention might save you in a pinch

Oakenform, Brawler's Plate, Hedron Matrix, etc are kinda slow. Rancor is fun, it's not a 2-for-1 like other auras

The infect idea is neat too. I like seeing that in all dif colors. Cheers

lilgiantrobot on The Lunarch's Gathering

7 years ago

Oketra's Monument looks like it was made for a deck like this. Mentor of the Meek can give you some much needed draw. Thousand-Year Elixir and Magewright's Stone untap your Commander for extra uses.

If I was to add those four cards, I'd remove Guardian Zendikon, Brawler's Plate, Staff of the Sun Magus, and Improvised Armor.

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