Apostle of Purifying Light

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Apostle of Purifying Light

Creature — Human Cleric

Protection from black (This creature can't be dealt damage, enchanted, equipped, blocked or targeted by anything black, and anything black attached to this immediately falls off.)

: Exile target card from a graveyard.

legendofa on Aragorn human tribal

11 months ago

Gotta ask about the Withered Wretch in here. It's off color and doesn't have any significant interaction with anything that I can see. If you want the graveyard removal, there's nothing quite as efficient, but Apostle of Purifying Light has the same effect, and there are quite a few white and colorless cards that prevent graveyard interaction.

Spyrechild on Halvar, Divine Voltron

2 years ago

Fantastic update mate, nice to see a lot of the changes I had already made to my own version being echoed in yours. Your point on graveyard hate is interesting as I never made the switch to Soul-Guide Lantern, I instead stuck with Apostle of Purifying Light as it was fetchable of Recruiter and was more of a scalpel than a sweep. This may be due in fact to my playgroup currently being plagued by a The Scarab God tribal reanimator deck that I may have helped tune.

dsdude3021 on Naya's Hero

3 years ago

I'm curious what your experience was with Bloodbraid Elf . Cascade also gives you the cast trigger off of Hero of Precinct One . It's also crazy to think it's now a pretty budget card. Maybe because they are not as fun to play with?

I will like to advise that your 6 copies of Destructive Revelry (including Cindervines ), is a bit redundant and harmful. Especially if you already have the champ Qasali Pridemage . If you do put every single one in on a single game, you are very likely to start with one (or multiple) in the early game. This reduces your awesome creature output and likely ending with a poor mid to late game board-state. You don't have big and high CMC threats, so delaying the game into the late game can be a death threat to you. They are also mana restrictive (especially without fetchlands) and are strictly only answers to a particular threat, so they have a strong likelihood to sit in your hand wasting space

Here are some things to think about if your interested.

-The non-land permanent removal enchantments might be an option, if you want answers to specific permanent types in your sideboard, but it not have it as mana restrictive or type specific. Maybe even just creature stuff like Prison Term aggro might be funny against midrange or some aggro decks.

- Yasharn, Implacable Earth --Sideboard? It's at least interesting to think about.

- Declaration in Stone --another removal option like Path to Exile . Doesn't give them an extra turn on your early game, but is one more mana and at sorcery. Cheaper too.

- Remorseful Cleric , Apostle of Purifying Light --Cheaper Rest in Peace alternatives on a creature.

- Rienne, Angel of Rebirth This would essential be the 1 of fun card to put in the deck that is of theme. Not needed.

- Aspect of Mongoose , Valorous Stance , Unbreakable Formation , Dauntless Escort , Gods Willing and many others are much more budget than Heroic Intervention . Plus you mainly want to protect your creatures anyway.

- Shield of the Oversoul may be interesting

- Voice of Resurgence ?

I had more stuff to say but I realize this is alright long enough. Overall, I do like the idea of a multicoloured deck. I can see many possible directions a deck like this can go.

Frankomancer on My girl wants to party all the time party all the

3 years ago

While Luminarch Aspirant can be good, I think it only truly shines in decks that care about +1/+1 counters. In order to get a more consistent full party and help protect against board wipes, I'd suggest playing Seasoned Hallowblade instead. Also, I'm surprised to see a UW party deck not playing Spoils of Adventure ! A 2 mana instant speed draw 3 with lifegain is absolutely NUTS, especially in an aggressive deck with a lot of low cmc creatures.

Depending on your meta, putting either Apostle of Purifying Light or Remorseful Cleric in your sideboard also gives you more clerics that work as graveyard hate, while Glorious Protector fights the blowouts Party decks tend to experience against boardwipes.

Epicurus on I hope he didn't die of anything catching, eh?

3 years ago

Hello there! You were very kind to me in your comment on my Pyrohemia deck, so I figured that I should return the favor.

As a disclaimer, though, I am about to suggest a good number of changes, so bear with me. I'm definitely not aiming to completely deconstruct and rebuild your deck.

To begin, there are some cards in here that I find superfluous. For instance, I know that Crypt Rats is appealing, fits the theme, and acts kind of like a 5th Pestilence, but it requires assistance to stay alive. It isn't as good for the deck as it might seem. I feel like you'd be better off replacing it with something to tutor out the Pestilence, like Idyllic Tutor or Enlightened Tutor.

Similarly, High Priest of Penance is a one-shot ability that you're only running one of, and really would require Shielded by Faith in order to really floop the pig, which you're also only running one of. I would cut both of them.

Next, Sanguine Bond and Night Dealings are both good synergies with Pestilence, but they're also pulling up your mana curve. You want to make sure that you have mana to pump into Pestilence as often as possible. I would keep one or the other, or maybe even cut them both.

Then there's the 3 Lifelink I get it why you'd want them, but feel like you'd be better served with something like Sun Droplet that's not dependent on creatures dealing damage. You don't need to gain a ton of life, just enough to keep your life total higher than your opponent. By that same token, I think 3x Drain Life is too many.

Next, I would update your creature base. Remember that you need to have at least one creature in play to keep the Pestilence on the battlefield, and right now you only have 11 in the deck (and I just suggested cutting 2 of them). While I'm all about White Knight and Order A Lite Beer, I think you'd benefit from replacing a lot of that with creatures with less symbols in the mana cost, like Disciple of Grace, Death Speakers and/or Apostle of Purifying Light. And/or another Cemetery Gate. And then maybe a one-of Blood Baron of Vizkopa to round it out. In total, I'd suggest having north of 15 creatures.

Additionally, I would cut Ephara's Radiance, and either bring Disenchant down to 2x or cut it entirely and instead run 2x Vindicate.

And finally, consider changing your land base to include less lands that only produce white mana (i.e. less Plains). Since it's a casual deck, you could include Tainted Field, but also Isolated Chapel. 4x of each could replace all 8 Plains. Then, I'd replace the Caves of Koilos, one of the Swamp and the Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth with 4x Godless Shrine. If you made all of those changes, all of your lands would produce black mana, and 15 of them would produce white.

Again, that's a lot of changes. Please take them all as simply suggestions. I really love Pestilence decks, if you haven't noticed, haha...


epajula on More human than human

4 years ago

Graveyard Hate: Kaya's Guile, Apostle of Purifying Light, Hallowed Moonlight, Rest in Peace, Relic of Progenitus, Nihil Spellbomb, Grafdigger's Cage.

Names: "You're Sweet, but I brought Wilford Brimley to the Party" "Diabeetus!" "Wilford Brinley: A Crusade to End Diabeetus, and Your Opponents" (https://youtu.be/m6CeGgzaGSE)

Recs: Heirloom Blade, Reconnaissance, Kindred Dominance.

You need more than 30 lands.

On another note, I like how the militia captain turns into a cult leader... Is Hanweir actually Michigan?

Frd123 on All Hail West Theros

4 years ago

Thanks for the deck explanation on reddit and the updates. It surely helped me a lot in my monowhite own build with Mikaeus, the Lunarch.

My deck isnt entirely Cedh, because Mikaeus, but your ideas sure helped. Especially Order of the Sacred Torch, this card is so sweet. And even if it isnt in your list anymore, Apostle of Purifying Light did wonders in my playgroup.

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