cube colorwheel

JM's Casual Cube

By MindAblaze

Score: 5

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Cube 2

Three color representatives linked by Two color Archetypes, so basically each shard is going to be possible as an allied pair with a splash, and each wedge is going to be an enemy pair with a splash.

For example Bant could be x, x, but not going to have the best synergy as x. That being said x is supposed play better in Sultai or Temur

Sultai - The Mimeoplasm, Villainous Wealth, Rakshasa Vizier

  • Golgari Blue - Delve Counters

  • Simic Black - Ramp/Mill

Bant - Jenara, Asura of War, Roon of the Hidden Realm, Flurry of Wings

  • Azorius Green - ETB Fliers

  • Selesnya Blue - Counters Voltron

Temur - Animar, Soul of Elements, Sarkhan Unbroken, Temur Ascendancy

  • Simic Red - Defender Ramp

  • Izzet Green - Spellslinger Tempo

Grixis - Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, Sedris, the Traitor King, Unscythe, Killer of Kings

Esper - Sharuum the Hegemon, Thopter Foundry, Ertai, the Corrupted

  • Dimir White- Artifact/Reanimator Control

  • Azorius Black- Fliers Aggro/Tempo

Abzan - Overgrown Estate, Duneblast, Ivorytusk Fortress

  • Orzhov Green - Lifedrain Control

  • Golgari White - Midrange Counters

Jeskai - Flying Crane Technique, Jeskai Charm, Jeskai Ascendancy

Mardu - Zurgo Helmsmasher, Ankle Shanker, Mardu Ascendancy

  • Boros Black - Allies Aggro

  • Orzhov Red - Lifegain/Aristocrats Weenies

Jund - Prossh, Skyraider of Kher, Violent Ultimatum, Dragon Appeasement

  • Rakdos Green- Aggro Counters/Aristocrats

  • Gruul Black- Devour

Naya - Mayael's Aria, Uril, the Miststalker, Titanic Ultimatum

  • Gruul White- Allies Zoo

  • Selesnya Red- Aggro Counters

Colorless (81)

Gold (125)

Legend (19)

Rakdos (10)

Dimir (9)

Orzhov (8)

Counters (6)

Prowess (6)

Bant (3)

Jeskai (3)

Mardu (3)

Sultai (3)

Flicker (2)

Utility (1)

Removal (17)

Izzet (10)

Azorius (9)

Simic (9)

Tokens (7)

Voltron (6)

Esper (3)

Jund (3)

Naya (3)

Temur (3)

Dredge (1)

Boros (10)

Golgari (10)

Selesnya (10)

Gruul (9)

Allies (7)

Devour (6)

Artifacts (5)

Abzan (3)

Grixis (3)

Lifedrain (3)

Reanimator (3)

Recursion (1)

White (51)

Blue (50)

Black (50)

Red (49)

Green (51)

MindAblaze says... #3

First Community Draft

It seemed like with some more practice it would be tighter, as people ended up confused by the end of pack two as to what they were doing. One interesting build included Filigree Angel+Sanguine Bond+Open the Vaults.

April 2, 2016 10:37 p.m. Edited.

MindAblaze says... #4

September 5, 2016 7:31 p.m.

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Cards 457
Date added 8 years
Last updated 6 years

Last Updated 6 years ago

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