Angelic Edict

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Angelic Edict


Exile target creature or enchantment.

jbgrv on EDH Removal Master List

3 years ago

This is really great list! Please keep updating.

Some of cards I found missing:

Black Eliminate , Grasp of Darkness , Feed the Swarm - oh yes, black can now destroy enchantments! Blue Ravenform - oh yes, blue can now EXILE ceatures or artifacts! White Angelic Edict , Cleansing Nova , Ondu Inversion  Flip, Doomskar Green Viridian Shaman , Thrashing Brontodon . Fight effects of Gargos, Vicious Watcher , Territorial Allosaurus , Primal Might , Ram Through Red Shatterskull Smashing  Flip and what about enrage effects from Silverclad Ferocidons or damage from Needletooth Raptor or Burning Sun's Avatar ?

Boomcat12B on daxos

4 years ago

Cards to add-

Glacial Fortress

Rogue's Passage

Sea of Clouds You want to add glacial fortress for sure. It is a cheap check land that can come in untapped, and you want Rogue's passage to let you swing freely if your equip pieces are getting destroyed. I would run 36 lands in this deck and Sea of clouds can replace the bounce land if you want to go that route since it is a bit more expensive money wise.

Card Draw-

Brain storm

Serum Visions



Mystic Remora This will give you better card draw (in addition to what you already have. The more card draw you can have the better. This should give you around 10 pieces of card draw. Some of the card draw is situational so it will come to playing the deck and seeing if you need to add a bit more dedicated pieces.


Azorius Signet

Commander's Sphere

Fellwar Stone

Cards to suit up with-

Eldrazi Conscription - One of the best enchantments you can have for voltron

Sword of the Animist - Will help out with ramp...Add no matter what. This card is stupid good


Sun Titan - Allows you to get Equipment and artifacts back from the GY and you are running enough cards to make it worth running him.

Silent Arbiter - Perfect for your decks strategy, and will help with crack back

Umbra Mystic - Allows you to sacrifice your Auras instead of Daxos should he be killed.

Battlewise Hoplite - Gives you another creature to suit up if Daxos is taken out of commission or costs too much.

Augury Adept - Card draw and lifegain is worth it, plus it gives you another option for a creature to suit up

Removal- You are actually not to bad off in interaction. Your sitting at around 10 I think, but you do not have any boardwipes and that cna be a problem. However with your counterspell suit and single target removal it might play out alright. It will really be a matter of playtesting and seeing where you want to take the deck.Here are some ideas to add for board wipes (I would add one of these since there is one more slot to fill for the cards I suggested taking out. The rest can be ideas should you need to add board wipes)

Cyclonic Rift - This one is not cheap but I would definitely include it if you are willing to spend the money. I would add it over any of the other cards mentioned in this section.

Time Wipe

Winds of Rath

Wrath of God

Day of Judgment

Just a few ideas for cards to pull-

Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer - It just is not doing anything for you

Tamiyo's Epiphany - It costs too much for what it does

Curse of the Swine - just run a board wipe instead.

Angelic Edict - Costs too much for what it does

Dauntless Onslaught - This deck wants cards to suit up Daxos not combat tricks

Moment of Heroism - Same as above

Silence - A good card but your not looking to combo off so it is a slot you can use to further your game plan

Tragic Lesson - Better options for card draw

Corridor Monitor - Does not really provide much synergy for what you want to do All the bestow creatures- They just cost too much to use bestow and you have better options

Mesa Enchantress - A really good card, but Running 14 enchantments won't proc her enough to give you the value you want

Curse of the Forsaken - Does not really help all that much

Mystic Barrier - It does not really further your game plan

Unknown Shores - It isn't bad but being two colors you don't need to worry about color fixing that much.

Azorius Guildgate - Tapped lands can always be replaced

Alright so looking over the list these are the cards I would take out and the cards I would replace them with. I basically removed cards that did not provide a strong synergy, or cards that could be replaced with more efficient cards. The 2 biggest areas I focused on were Ramp and card draw since you were light in both areas. Simply by adding those 2 packages the deck will start to run better and more consistently which will lead to better games for you overall. I also suggested some lands so you can replace the tapped lands, as well as give you more utility to get dmg in with Daxos. Upping your land count by one should also help your land draw ratio as well. Next I suggested 2 more pieces of voltron that are just too good not to add. I pulled a lot of creatures that you were running because they did not provide synergy or they were just to costly. I replaced them with creatures that provide synergy and value for your deck, and also gives you a few more options in case Daxos gets shut down. Always need a back up plan. Finally Add in at least a board wipe. you really want three and I would personally replace 2 of your weaker counter spells (I left in most of your counter suite)with board wipe pieces. I gave you a few ideas as to cards you could run for board wipes. If you do decide to remove 2 counters to replace with w wrath I would suggest Stymied Hopes and Annul

I kept the upgrades to around $30-$40 dollars (I think I was not adding them up) but they should not more than $50 or so since I know you don't want to spend a shit ton on your decks. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions on choices or reasoning.

Tylord2894 on W/B Teysa Commander

4 years ago

Okay, so after looking at this deck for a while, considering its sideboard, and adding some cards that I use often for similar strategies, I've come up with a list of edits (well, actually three lists).

Before I get to those, I would like to explain what I found. Firstly, I like the idea behind the deck. Token strategies are always a great way to make a casual deck that can scale to be for optimized. I love the afterlife keyword as it lends itself to this optimization really well. But there were several less-than-savory card choices in here. The two biggest issues that I saw are ones that I see a lot (and full into too). The first of these is that many cards have a very high cost-to-value ratio. That is, there were several cards that cost too much (mana) and do too little for it. Elgaud Inquisitor is a fantastic example. While Elgaud Inquisitor is on-theme with their on-death triggered ability, that is all they have going for them. The lifelink isn't super useful, and the CMC is WAY too high. They are only a 2/2 too boot. Second off, theme isn't the same as function. I understand that there is a vorthos element to this deck, but since this deck isn't a full tribal deck, I think it's better to focus on ways to make the good parts of the theme work great.

I saw lots of cards that were life gaining cards ( Pontiff of Blight , Impassioned Orator , Riot Control , etc). This deck can make a lot of tokens which Tesya gives lifelink. You need not worry about life gain card. The strength of your creatures that make tokens when they die is that you can easily recur them in W/B. In the lists below, there are many cards that give added value to dying creature or make killing your creatures more ways to die. Lastly and most importantly, you had ZERO ramp and ALMOST NO card draw. THESE ARE THE TWO MOST FUNDAMENTAL ASSPECTS IN EDH!!! You NEED to have them!!! You can not rely solely on the one land drop and card draw. I've listed several cards that assist the main strategy and draw you cards (things like Dredge and Altar's Reap ). As for ramp, there is almost no good ramp outside of green. That only means that you have to look harder. Mana rocks are a must. I only have three in the lists, but they are absolute must-haves. Next, I put in several cards that give you mana in other ways. Most of them align themselves with the main strategy ( Ashnod's Altar , Soldevi Adnate , and Pawn of Ulamog to name a few). Similarly, I added cards that draw you cards from creatures dying. There is one card that I would like to point out in particular, Erebos . The important part of Erebos is his last ability. You pay and 2 life to draw a card. Life is a resource, and you'll be making plenty of it. Be sure to spend it. There are lots of cards that help you turn life into various things, like Bolas's Citadel (which I almost put in and still think has a place here). I would encourage you to look into them. Lastly, I would remove 6 lands. You have other ramp now and don't want to be flooded all of the time.

Here is the list of cards that I would remove:

I understand that there is a budget to this deck, so I've split my suggestions into two lists. The first is all cards that are cheap and should keep you under budget. The second list of cards is for later edits. If you want to spend more money on this deck, those are the cards that I would recommend buying.

As you're read through these, you might notice that a lot of these came from your sideboard. There are lots of good cards in there.

I hope you enjoy these changes. Just remember that casual decks don't have to be un-optimized.

Talonisnthavingit on Bruna, Light of Alabaster Commander

5 years ago

Taigam's Scheming and/or Contingency Plan: put some auras in your graveyard for Bruna while still keeping the cards you want on top of your library.

Nightveil Spectre?: Continuous surveil triggers to get auras in your graveyard.

Dream Eater: A Large surveil, some control and then a 4/3 flier afterwards. Flash is also nice.

Octopus Umbra: An extra totem armor. Plus, it basically gives Bruna +3/+3 and allows her to tap any flying creatures your opponent(s) may have.

Danitha Capashen, Paragon: Easier to cast auras and equipment. Also, a 2/2 first strike vigilance lifelink is pretty nice.

Maybe Fumble To steal your opponents auras and equipments, as well as for control.

Cards to remove: - Faerie Miscreant for obvious reasons. Perhaps add nightveil or Danitha in it's place. - Pull from Tomorrow if you add Contingency Plan/Taigam's Scheming - Angelic Edict: bit too costly.

Kamerot on Lyra, Dawn Breaker Commander

6 years ago

Hey there, I like where you're going with this. A friend of mine runs an angel tribal that I loath, so I know with time, this deck will definitely be a monster. I do see that you have some inconsistencies for it being tribal. Like quite a few things that only target one creature whereas you want stuff that affects all of your divine beings.

So here's a list of things I would drop and some suggestions as well. Not knowing your budget, I'm just going to suggest anything that comes to mind. Take out:

So I know its a long list. Most of those cards don't do enough to help, have too high of a cmc for what they do, or don't fit the tribal theme. Add in:

A lot of the suggested upgrades suggested are designed to help your game plan you have set up, are better versions of cards you had, or just to help get your angels out quicker since they are expensive to cast and white has some of the worst ramp in the game. Here's a little k to my friends deck for more ideas: Angels in the battlefield Best of luck to you!!

hfvalenz on RazaKaalia: Heaven and Hell Can Compete in cEDH!

6 years ago

Hey, I've never piloted a Kaalia deck, I have only played against her and from my experience, she gets the attention on the table most of the times and for good reason. People really know Kaalia. So I think that playing her has some key elements that could be improved.

Get her out fast fast fast.

In order to do that I'd replace these with basics and boost your speed since you're playing all those fetchlands.

Protecting her.

Kaalia has been around long time so people know how dangerous she can be.

  • Darksteel Plate could be useful, specially against wraths but it doesn't do much against bouncing or exiling, which is why Whispersilk Cloak could be a better alternative, and can help you avoid combat damage as well.
  • Mother of Runes will give her protection in response to whatever spot removal targetting her.
  • Grand Abolisher helps you avoid getting Kaalia countered.

If Kaalia has died several times, what now.

As you probably know, she will get focused and sometimes you just can't protect her enough. You need alternatives when this happens.

Other things I noticed

  • You lack card drawing. It's essential to have angels / demons / dragons on your hand on each of your attack phases. Phyrexian Arena and Necropotence. Watch out for Emrakuls on your meta with the latter. Some wheels could prove useful refilling your hand, though Wheel of Fortune is expensive, Winds of Change, Magus of the Wheel, Wheel of Fate and Dragon Mage are good alternatives.
  • On the same issue as above, Sire Of Insanity and Malfegor aren't helping you with that.
  • You have access to the best colors for removal. Ditch Soul Snare and Angelic Edict for the more versatile ones Vindicate, Anguished Unmaking or Utter End. Even Chaos Warp is a better alternative than the two I mentioned. Instant speed removal is crucial.
  • Same as above with sweepers. Wrath of God, Day of Judgment, Damnation are much better than Armageddon, because as it let's you a great advantage and all it also puts a huge target on your head, because you basically stop them from having fun at all. And in my experience, people tend to remember those who broke their lands, it's just the way it is. You don't need more hate, Kaalia will draw enough herself. On the borderline of this are Cataclysm and Rakdos the Defiler. The other Rakdos, Rakdos, Lord of Riots is a way better alternative. Imagine swinging with Kaalia, on her trigger putting RTR Rakdos, then on your second main you'll be able to cast a creature with it's cost reduced.
  • You have 4 instants now (more coming in the future I hope) and 3 creatures with activated abilities requiring mana. Price of Glory punish your for using those. I know it will punish counterspells as well, but there are some alternatives for that that won't draw the hate on your head, as stated above.
  • Lastly, I know I insisted a lot on avoid drawin unnecesary hate on you, but Ob Nixilis, Unshackled is another one to give some thought. People really love their ramping and tutoring. Though in this case I'm not saying you should remove him, just re-evaluate his inclusion.

I hope some of this suggestions help in any way.

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