Elgaud Inquisitor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Elgaud Inquisitor

Creature — Human Cleric

Lifelink (Damage dealt by this creature also causes you to gain that much life.)

When Elgaud Inquisitor dies, put a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying onto the battlefield.

Tylord2894 on W/B Teysa Commander

4 years ago

Okay, so after looking at this deck for a while, considering its sideboard, and adding some cards that I use often for similar strategies, I've come up with a list of edits (well, actually three lists).

Before I get to those, I would like to explain what I found. Firstly, I like the idea behind the deck. Token strategies are always a great way to make a casual deck that can scale to be for optimized. I love the afterlife keyword as it lends itself to this optimization really well. But there were several less-than-savory card choices in here. The two biggest issues that I saw are ones that I see a lot (and full into too). The first of these is that many cards have a very high cost-to-value ratio. That is, there were several cards that cost too much (mana) and do too little for it. Elgaud Inquisitor is a fantastic example. While Elgaud Inquisitor is on-theme with their on-death triggered ability, that is all they have going for them. The lifelink isn't super useful, and the CMC is WAY too high. They are only a 2/2 too boot. Second off, theme isn't the same as function. I understand that there is a vorthos element to this deck, but since this deck isn't a full tribal deck, I think it's better to focus on ways to make the good parts of the theme work great.

I saw lots of cards that were life gaining cards ( Pontiff of Blight , Impassioned Orator , Riot Control , etc). This deck can make a lot of tokens which Tesya gives lifelink. You need not worry about life gain card. The strength of your creatures that make tokens when they die is that you can easily recur them in W/B. In the lists below, there are many cards that give added value to dying creature or make killing your creatures more ways to die. Lastly and most importantly, you had ZERO ramp and ALMOST NO card draw. THESE ARE THE TWO MOST FUNDAMENTAL ASSPECTS IN EDH!!! You NEED to have them!!! You can not rely solely on the one land drop and card draw. I've listed several cards that assist the main strategy and draw you cards (things like Dredge and Altar's Reap ). As for ramp, there is almost no good ramp outside of green. That only means that you have to look harder. Mana rocks are a must. I only have three in the lists, but they are absolute must-haves. Next, I put in several cards that give you mana in other ways. Most of them align themselves with the main strategy ( Ashnod's Altar , Soldevi Adnate , and Pawn of Ulamog to name a few). Similarly, I added cards that draw you cards from creatures dying. There is one card that I would like to point out in particular, Erebos . The important part of Erebos is his last ability. You pay and 2 life to draw a card. Life is a resource, and you'll be making plenty of it. Be sure to spend it. There are lots of cards that help you turn life into various things, like Bolas's Citadel (which I almost put in and still think has a place here). I would encourage you to look into them. Lastly, I would remove 6 lands. You have other ramp now and don't want to be flooded all of the time.

Here is the list of cards that I would remove:

I understand that there is a budget to this deck, so I've split my suggestions into two lists. The first is all cards that are cheap and should keep you under budget. The second list of cards is for later edits. If you want to spend more money on this deck, those are the cards that I would recommend buying.

As you're read through these, you might notice that a lot of these came from your sideboard. There are lots of good cards in there.

I hope you enjoy these changes. Just remember that casual decks don't have to be un-optimized.

Shadowdarkraity on Spirits From The Bright Sun to The Dark Ocean

6 years ago



Ok, so my deck (from what I can tell) this deck seems to be very close to being done, what I am doing now is after some play testing for a while (now to be fair, my internet is out and I playtest on Cockatrice, so I had to playtest against myself and using the other deck I build and maybe 1 or 2 others) and I have found the top 4 cards that underpreforme the most in my deck

1 Seize the Soul2 Selfless Spirit3 Drogskol Cavalry4 Path to Exile

Now the first card I know I am not getting rid of is Path to Exile, It does come in use but either dosent pop up enough to be useful (Maybe I should add 2 extra) or I already have managed to get 30, 2/2 tokens with flying and vigalance, so it dosent seem to make the biggest difference.

Selfless Spirit does become kinda useless if I get him any other time I am not doing the finisher, sacfificing him to make all of my creatues invincable usually ends in me winning that turn, or the next one. But other then that there is not really any other time he becomes useful.

Now the two others, Drogskol Cavalry, and Seize the Soul are my final two, and are the two I do think can be replaced, or in the form of Drogskol Spirit, add something to it to make it stronger. Seize the Soul just has too high mana cost and dosent really shine. If there is a time i can cast him, there is usially two or three other spells I can cast that would help me more then him, even in the long run

Now some cards I thought could replace Drogskol Cavalry, or Seize the Soul

Dauntless Cathar- Would Replace Seize the Soul

Elgaud Inquisitor- Would Replace Seize the Soul (this one is near the bottom of the list)

Geist-Honored Monk- Would Replace Seize the Soul. He is higher mana cost but could be a goot finisher, maybe replace Selfless Spirit.

Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens- Would Replace Seize the Soul or Drogskol Cavalry (near the bottom of the list)

Crested Sunmare- Would Replace Seize the Soul. I dont know how to feel about him. I know its not a spirit but him and Drogskol Cavalry could be a good match up. (if only Crested Sunmare created Spirit tokens))

Twilight Drover- Would Replace Seize the Soul

Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts- Would Replace Seize the Soul or Drogskol Cavalry. This one is my absolute favorite on the list. She has protection from creatures and vigalance so as long as an ability says other wise, I can attack with her anytime. She also creates tokens when I get damage, so if I had 4 of her (or at least 2 or 3) then I would get 2-4 (with Anointed Procession)

Any Ideas from either the final touches, or the beginning of this deck XD, would be awesome. Thank you

Samuel-Frederick on Make Tokens, Steal Life

7 years ago

I'm not quite sure what the focus of the deck it, it's a little all over the place. You have some sacrifice, but you don't have an awful lot that takes advantage of it. If you're making tokens to sacrifice, then it seems counter intuitive with running Intangible Virtue. You're making your tokens powerful, but then sacrificing them. The deck would be so much stronger if you focused more on one thing, and really strengthen it.

Firstly, if you want sacrifice, then think about running Zulaport Cutthroat, not as good as ze ol Blood Artist of course, but as you can't run 8 Artists, the Cutthroat does okay lol. So, if you want to be sacrificing, then you want cards that can take advantage of it. Things such as Bloodsoaked Champion, Carrier Thrall, Bloodghast (if you've got some serious money to throw at it), even Vengevine (again, money... it's grimly expensive). Things like that. Or if you want a more zombie feel, Gravecrawler with Sultai Emissary and, Geralf's Messenger which I love.

For tokens you have Carrier Thrall... sort of... Here are some token themed cards to thinnk about (some better than others lol)

You can run Doomed Traveler which I love, Myr Sire which I don't love so much lol Hallowed Spiritkeeper is awesome if you're a little more creature heavy, but awesome anyway I think. I know I know, not enough owls, well, here you go :D Jtun Owl Keeper! Promise of Bunrei is great value and works well in a sac deck. Elgaud Inquisitor and Mausoleum Guard aren't all that good, but decent sac outlets, and make tokens of course. Or add a little cruelty to the deck with Seize the Soul, and Belfry Spirit.

IronApparition is right with Viscera Seer being a really sweet sac outlet, but there are others if you want something a little different. Bloodthrone Vampire lets you sac and she can get mighty big for potential novas! If you did go more vampire based Cliffhaven Vampire works well along the Artist and the Cutthroat. I'm also partial to a one of Vampiric Rites, not a free outlet, but it draws cards!

Not the best card, but I card I also love is Chalice of Life  Flip, win through life gain feels nice.

Anyway, that's probably enough for now lol, stuff to think about at least.

iLegendGames on Angels from the Vault

8 years ago

I havent fully looked over the list, but it looks as though you are running a low land count and a low number of ramp spells. With an 8 mana general, I would always recommend at least 38 lands. I can only just get away with 36 in my jori-en deck. You should put in some ramping artifacts as well. Things like, Mind Stone, Worn Powerstone and Sol Ring are almost auto includes for decks that are not too colour intensive. You should also add Caged Sun and Gauntlet of Power from your maybe board. Cards to take out would be low impact cards, such as Boros Elite, Elgaud Inquisitor and Guildscorn Ward. Also, in the theme of the deck, Entreat the Angels should absolutely be in. I personally love the card for those games where you can just miracle it for 10+ which gets even better if everything is indestructible. Would work well if you put in some more mana.

Lokotor on Lokotor's Cube

8 years ago

Review this List and see if yall have any strong objections to it.

MTG_Beginner on Card Recommendations For Modern Mono …

8 years ago

i like using the my W/U ally deck, gets crazy on milling when your whole deck is allies lol

Ondu Cleric gets insane with lifegain, add in Felidar Sovereign for a different win.

Maybe add in a Retreat to Emeria for ally production and some Intangible Virtue? if you add in a full place set of Intangible you could maybe run Sphere of Safety, up to you lol. Other token creators may be Doomed Traveler and Elgaud Inquisitor

Another angel may be Angelic Skirmisher

non-angel/ally creatures to add might be Odric, Master Tactician, Wall of Reverence, and Sunbond

Arvail on None

8 years ago

Hmmmm.... Ok.

Well, for starters, 42 is a really high land count. EDH decks generally run between 32 and 40 lands. I'd suggest going 36 to 38 when in doubt. You should basically never run Temple of the False God. Howltooth Hollow will never activate in EDH. Ever. Run a basic plains over New Benalia.

Of your artifacts, the only ones I'd keep would be Orzhov Signet, Sol Ring, and Thought Vessel. Good rocks include Mind Stone, Everflowing Chalice, and Darksteel Ingot. Those are all super budget.

Aurora Eidolon is terrible. Faithful Squire requires you to jump though hoops for it to be decent. Nantuko Husk is super limited. Never run defenders in EDH. You want to be more proactive. That means Souls of the Faultless is a no no. Baleful Eidolon, Celestial Archon, Dreadbringer Lampads, Ghostblade Eidolon, Crawling Filth, He Who Hungers, and Moonlit Strider are not really good enough for EDH. Daxos's Torment and Genju of the Fens require you to jump through hoops. Quarantine Field, Seance, Beckon Apparition, Dawn to Dusk, Planar Outburst, Seize the Soul, Dark Dabbling, Gravepurge, Macabre Waltz, March of the Returned, Midnight Recovery, Morbid Plunder, Belfry Spirit, Doomed Traveler, Elgaud Inquisitor, Mausoleum Guard, and Sandsteppe Outcast all deserve to be cut.

Good cards that fit with your theme and your general:

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