Sultai - The Gifts that Keep on Giving

Modern* T12H


FNM Modern - Just 8 players tonight —Feb. 16, 2018

Round 1 vs UB Mill 2-0 Win

Academy Ruins plus Loam makes it almost impossible to mill my deck out without instant speed mill. I had no cards in my library but I kept putting baubles on top of my library then I would get engineered explosives to blow them all up and start all over. Finally beat him down with a hangarback.

Round 2 vs Burn 2-0 Win

I was very surprised I got game 1. I was able to answer enough Burn/Damage to open up a small opportunity to take a turn off to Gifts Ungiven. I gifts for my life gain package of Finks, traverse, Pulse of murasa, witness. I got to play both Finks game one and Pulse of murasa sealed it. Game two opponent got stuck on lands. I was able to counter most of his spells and traversed for both Finks once again and got the witness /Pulse loop going too to end the game with nearly 30 life.

Round 3 vs Bogles 0-2 Loss

With no edict effect in the 76 I knew this matchup is horrible. I really needed to get the ruins/EE loop fast but was unable to. Game 1 I got the hangarback/ruins loop and thought I was going to be able to block his bogle until I found EE, but he top decked a path and ruined those plans. Game two I was able to gifts for the EE/ruins loop. I was going to Maelstrom Pulse his double enchantment that would have stopped lethal, but he had Rebuff the Wicked and I lost next attack. Tilt....

Results 2-1 Second Place

Had a lot of fun with the deck tonight. May need more for hexproof decks but not too worried. I'm super excited to play Jace this next Friday and Saturday if I can though!